Park Sol-mi ♥ and Han Jae-seok and ninth year, each have their own room ...For ‘My brother eat.’ " (with pyeonseuto).

Park Sol-mi was an actor and Han Jae-seok and live in separate rooms she said.

29 televised kbs school talent ‘personal introduction with pyeonseuto’, Park Sol-mi of the house was on a visit to the couple gimwonhyo, Shim Jin Hwa.

Park Sol-mi in the "We're letters from home ‘ eat sometimes called ’." and said "wrote since marriage each have their own room".

Park Sol-mi " As soon as I got married a month after she became pregnant.She has morning sickness had serious.My husband just to pass the retching.So I couldn't be together.Having a baby to the day before the morning sickness, said.

As study after the birth of nothing but pregnant right away.Second after the birth of a parenting, wrote wrote three or four years.Had to tear myself away, would be may have been her husband.

Park Sol-mi is no wedding photos said it attracted attention.He has no " Our wedding picture in the house and only my picture.We don't accept a file pictures and photos.파일을 받아 가라고 2년 후에 연락이 왔는데 대답만 하고 안 갔다"며 "결혼한 지 9년이 지났는데 받으러 가기가 그렇다"고 말했다.

Yunseolhwa and online news reporter

Photo : ‘personal introduction with pyeonseuto’ capture air.
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