20대 모쏠女, 50대 털보→젠틀男으로..A single woman in her 20s, a furry boy in her 50s → gentle...9살 연상연하 커플도 탄생 ('보살팅') [어저께TV]Couples 9 years older and younger were born (Bosalting) [Yesterday TV]

[OSEN=김수형 기자] '무엇이든 물어보살'에서 보살팅을 진행, 두 커플이 성사됐다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] The two couples made it by taking care of them in "Ask Anything."  

26일 방송된 KBS 조이 예능 '무엇이든 물어보살'에서  '보살팅'이 그려졌다."Bosalting" was drawn on KBS Joy's entertainment show "Ask Anything," which aired on the 26th.    

먼저 첫인상투표 후 식사 상대를 고르기로 했다.First, after the first impression vote, I decided to choose the person to eat. 먼저 월 천만원 매출을 고백한 남자출연자가 도전, "합석해도 될까요?"'라고 묻자, 하나 둘 자리를 이탈하고 말았다.First, when a male performer who confessed to 10 million won in monthly sales challenged and asked, "Can I join you?" he left the seat one by one. 이때, 연극배우인 여자출연자가 한 명 남아 합석이 성사됐다.At this time, a female actor, a theater actor, was left to join.  

다음은 빨간 양복의 클럽러버 남자출연자가 도전, 앞서 50대 남성만 좋다고 했던 20대 여성출연자가 남으며 합석에 성공, 여성 출연자는 "제가 수염을 좋아한다"며 웃음지었다.Next, a male club lover in a red suit challenged, and a female actor in her 20s who previously said only men in their 50s liked it remained, and the female performer laughed, saying, "I like beards."  클럽 남은  "연애한지 14년 전"이라 말했고 20대 여성은 "난 모태쏠로, 외국인 남자친구가 쓰레기였다"며  "일주일이라 남자친구 취급안해 모태솔로라고 한다"고  말했다.The rest of the club said, "14 years ago since I was in a relationship," and a woman in her 20s said, "I've been single since birth, and my foreign boyfriend was trash," adding, "I don't treat him as a boyfriend because he's a week old."  

다음은 첫인상 투표 1위인 남성출연자가 도전, 여성 출연자 두 명이 남았다.Next, the male cast, the No. 1 vote for the first impression, challenged, leaving two female cast members. 1남2녀가 된 상황. 그는 "정말 기대 안 했는데"라며 기뻐했다."I really didn't expect it," he said happily. 이어 서장훈 후배인 Y대 출신 엘리트 남성 출연자가 도전했으나마지막 남은 여성에게 거절당했다.An elite male cast from Y University, Seo Jang-hoon's junior, challenged, but was rejected by the last remaining woman. 서장훈은 "최종 결정 아니니 실망하지 마라"며 위로했다.Seo Jang-hoon comforted, saying, "It's not a final decision, so don't be disappointed."  하지만 첫인상 투표도 0표를 받아 충격을 받았다.However, I was shocked to receive zero votes for the first impression.  

이때, 연극배우 여성출연자가 2표를 받은 인기남성을 소환,  천만원 월수입을 고백한 바 있는 남성출연자도 At this time, a female theater actor summoned a popular man who received two votes and confessed his monthly income of 10 million won.
한복 모델이라는 여성출연자를 소환해 관심을 보였다.She summoned a female actress called a hanbok model and showed interest.  

이 가운데 커플게임을 진행했다.Among them, they played a couple game.  마음이 드는 이성을 먼저 고르는 게임. 하지만 연대출신 서장훈 후배인 남성 출연자는 가위바위보도 꼴등했고 서장훈은 "너 오늘 안 된다"며 아쉬워했다.It's a game to choose the person you like first. However, the male cast, who is Seo Jang-hoon's junior in the senior college, also came in last in rock-paper-scissors, and Seo Jang-hoon said, "You can't do it today."  이와 달리 첫인상 1위인 남성출연자가 1위하자 서장훈은 "얘가 되는 날"이라 말해 웃음짓게 했다.On the other hand, when the male actor, the No. 1 first impression, topped the list, Seo Jang-hoon made people laugh by saying, "It's his day." 이어 그는 20대 모태솔로녀를 대화상대로 꼽았다.He then chose a single woman in her 20s as a conversation.  

다음으로 미대생 출신 남자출연자는 연극배우 출신 여성을 선택, 쌍절곤을 흔드는 모습에 반한 듯한 모습을 보였다.Next, the male actor, who was an art student, seemed to have fallen in love with the appearance of shaking nunchucks by choosing a woman who was a former theater actor.  분위기를 몰아 게임을 진행,  두 사람이 우승했다.The two won the game by setting the mood.

계속해서 '지목토크'를 이어갔다.He continued his "pick-and-pick talk." 역시 첫인상 1위인 남성에게만 질문이 이어진 가운데 연극배우 출신 여성은 미대생 남성에게 "마음에 드는 사람 있다, 아까 장미 만드시지 않았나?While questions were asked only to the man who was also No. 1 in the first impression, a theater actor-turned-woman told an art college man, "I like someone, didn't you make a rose earlier?" 저 주셔도 된다"며 직진 모습을 보였다.You can give it to me," he said.  

드디어 최종선택이 남았다.Finally, the final choice remains. 먼저 월 천만원 수익의 남성이  한복모델이라는 여성을 선택, 하지만 그녀는 첫인상 1위남을 선택했다.First, a man with a monthly income of 10 million won chose a woman named a hanbok model, but she chose the man who was the No. 1 impression. 이에 첫인상 1위인 남성은 모태솔로 20대녀를 선택했다.Accordingly, the man with the No. 1 first impression chose a woman in her 20s as a single mother. 이수근은 "엇갈린 운명"이라며 흥미로워했다.Lee Soo-geun was interested, saying, "It's a mixed fate." 이 가운데 수염러버라고 했던 20대녀는 귀여운 애교로 첫인상 1위남을 선택, 첫 커플이 탄생됐다.Among them, a woman in her 20s, who was called a beard lover, chose the first man she had first impression of with her cute aegyo, and the first couple was born. 이에 보살들은 "50대 털보가 좋다고 했는데, 거봐라 취향 바뀐다고 하지 않았나"라며 흥미로워했다.In response, the Bodhisattvas were interested, saying, "I heard that furbo in his 50s is good, but look, he said that his taste would change."  

20대녀는 급기야  "우리 오빠 잘생겼죠?"라며 도발, 보살들은 "수염난 아저씨 좋다더니 마초랑 전혀 달라,At last, the woman in her twenties said, "My brother is handsome, isn't he?" and the bodhisattva said, "You said you liked him, but he's not like Macho."
완전 젠틀남이다"며 웃음 지었다.He's a total gentleman."    

이어 미대생 출신 남성 출연자가 9살 연상인 연극배우 여성출연자를 선택, 무려 9살 연상에 모두 흥분했다.Subsequently, a male actor from an art college chose a female actor who is nine years older, and everyone was excited about being nine years older.  
이어 연극배우 여성출연자는 "처음부터 끝까지 마음이 같다"며 역시 화답했고 두번째 커플이 탄생됐다.The female actor then responded, "We feel the same from the beginning to the end," and a second couple was born.  
미대생 남은 "계속 눈빛이 스쳤다"며 마음이 통했다고 했고 여성출연자도 "길들이고 싶은 매력이 있더라"고 해 모두를 설레게 했다.The rest of the art college student said, "My eyes kept on passing by," and the female cast also said, "It was attractive to tame," making everyone excited.  

분위기를 몰아, 데이트하는 모습이 그려졌다.I was pictured driving the mood and dating. 특히 9살 연하남은 "이 여자라면 날 지켜줄 수 있겠다 싶었다, In particular, a nine-year-old younger man said, "I thought this woman could protect me.
9살 연하 지켜달라"며 애교, 연극배우 출신 여성은 "그럴거면 경호원을 불렀어야지"라고 말하면서도 웃음이 끊이지 않으며 설렘을 폭발했다."Please protect my nine-year-old junior," said a woman who used to be a cute and theater actor, saying, "Then you should have called a bodyguard," but she continued to laugh and burst into excitement. //

[사진] ‘물어보살'[Picture] "Ask Bodhisattva".

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