안서영, 18살 모로코男과 임신→모로코서 감금·폭행 당해('고딩엄빠2')[SS리뷰]Ahn Seo-young is pregnant with 18-year-old Moroccan → Confined and assaulted in Morocco (SS Review)

출처| MBN ‘어른들은 모르는 고딩엄빠2’Source: MBN "Adults Don't Know High School Mom 2"
[스포츠서울 | 김지윤기자]‘고딩엄빠’ 18살에 임신한 안서영의 사연이 공개됐다.[Sports Seoul | Reporter Kim Ji-yoon] The story of Ahn Seo-young, who became pregnant at the age of 18 in "High School Mom and Dad," has been revealed.

28일 방송된 MBN ‘어른들은 모르는 고딩엄빠2’에서는 18살에 임신한 안서영이 자신의 과거를 꺼냈다.On MBN's "High School Mom 2" aired on the 28th, Ahn Seo-young, who was pregnant at the age of 18, brought up her past.

3살 때 부모님이 일찍 이혼하고 엄한 아버지 밑에서 자란 안서영은 바깥에 돌아다니는 생활을 했다.Ahn Seo-young, whose parents divorced early at the age of three and raised by a strict father, lived outside. 그러다 우연히 만난 직진남 모로코 남성에게 애정을 느꼈다.Then, I felt affection for a Moroccan man whom I met by chance.

안서영은 “당시 답답할 때 만나는 거라 좋았다.Ahn Seo-young said, "It was good to meet when I was frustrated at the time. 일탈하는 기분이기도 했고 외국에서 사는 것에 대해 로망도 있었다.I felt deviant and had a dream about living abroad. 대화도 잘 통했고 정말 좋았다”며 “우리만의 특별한 로맨스를 그렸다”고 당시 상황을 설명했다.The conversation worked well and it was really good," he said, explaining the situation at the time, "We explained the situation at the time.

그렇게 연애 3개월 만에 임신하게 됐고 이 사실을 안 어머니는 입양을 권유했다.After three months of dating, she became pregnant, and when she found out about this, her mother recommended adoption. 심지어 모로코 남자친구는 한국으로 여행온 관광객이 아닌 불법체류자였다.Even her Moroccan boyfriend was an illegal immigrant, not a tourist who traveled to Korea.

기댈 곳을 잃어버린 안서영은 아이와 함께 모로코로 떠났다.Ahn Seo-young, who lost her place to lean on, left for Morocco with her child. 하지만 모로코에 있는 순간부터 감금과 폭행을 당했다.However, he was imprisoned and assaulted from the moment he was in Morocco.

그는 “모로코 집이 도어락이 별로 없고 안에서 잠그고 밖에서 키로 여는 시스템이다. (근데) 키를 시어머니가 다 숨겨버렸다."Moroccan houses don't have a lot of door locks, and it's a system that locks them inside and opens them with keys from outside, but my mother-in-law hid them all. 산책하는 것조차 허락을 받아야 했다”며 폭로했다.I even had to get permission to take a walk."

이어 “문화가 그렇다고 하더라."That's what culture is all about. 어딜가나 동행을 해야 했다.I had to accompany him everywhere. 내가 도움을 청할 수 없고 한국으로 못 가니까 더 나한테 이러는 것 같았다.I couldn't ask for help and I couldn't go to Korea, so I felt more like this to me. 혼자 남겨진 기분이었다”고 덧붙였다.I felt like I was left alone."

게다가 안서영은 “모로코 남친이 바람 피우는 것까지 알게 됐다.In addition, Ahn Seo-young said, "I even found out that my Moroccan boyfriend cheated on me. 그걸로 다툼까지 번졌는데 나를 심하게 때렸다.It led to a quarrel, but he hit me hard. 너무 무서웠다.It was so horrible. 아이한테 아빠가 없으면 미안할 것 같아서 놓치 못하고 있었는데 나를 때리고 바람 피우는 걸 보니 아이까지 떄릴 수 있겠다고 생각했다.I couldn't miss it because I thought I would be sorry if my child didn't have a father, but seeing him hit me and cheat on me, I thought I could hit my child. 차라리 혼자 키우는 게 낫다고 생각했고 여기 있으면 안되겠다고 생각했다”며 털어놨다.I thought it would be better to raise him alone, and I thought I shouldn't be here."

가까스로 대사관의 도움을 받아 탈출했고 혼인신고 법이 한국과 모로코가 달라 그걸 빌미로 돌아올 수 있게 됐다.He managed to escape with the help of the Embassy, and the marriage registration law was different from Korea and Morocco, so he was able to return under the pretext of it.
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