배수진 "대출 이자만 매달 100만원"...Bae Sujin. "1 million won per month for interest on loans".박미선 "금수저 맞다" ('진격의 언니들')Park Misun. "You're a golden spoon". (Attack on older sisters)

[스포츠조선닷컴 이우주 기자] 새로운 고민상담 토크쇼 '진격의 언니들-고민커트살롱'에 '20대 싱글맘' 배수진이 찾아와, 박미선X장영란X김호영의 가차없는 조언으로 팩폭을 맞는다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Lee Woo-joo] Bae Soo-jin, a single mom in her 20s, comes to the new counseling talk show "Attack on Sisters-GoMin Cut Salon," and is attacked by facts with relentless advice from Park Mi-sun, Jang Young-ran, and Kim Ho-young.

27일 방송될 '진격의 언니들(SK브로드밴드-미디어에스 공동 제작)'에는 개그맨 배동성의 딸이자 돌싱들의 연애를 다룬 예능프로그램으로 얼굴을 알린 배수진이 찾아온다.Bae Soo-jin, the daughter of comedian Bae Dong-sung and who made her face known as an entertainment program about the love affair of Dolsing, will appear in "The Advance Sisters (SK Broadband-Media S Co-produced)" which will air on the 27th. 배수진이 등장하자마자 장영란은 "너무 예쁘다"라며 반가워했고, 배수진도 "장영란 씨 팬이라 너무 떨린다"라며 찐 팬임을 인증했다.As soon as Bae Soo-jin appeared, Jang Young-ran welcomed her, saying, "It's so pretty," and Bae Soo-jin also proved that she is a real fan, saying, "I'm so nervous because I'm a fan of Jang Young-ran." 배수진은 "가식 없고 솔직해서 좋다.Bae Su-jin said, "It's good to be honest and unaffected. 화목하게 사는 게 제 꿈이라…It's my dream to live a harmonious life.롤 모델이다"라며 장영란에 대한 애정을 뽐냈다.He's a role model," he said, showing off his affection for Jang.

상담은 화기애애한 분위기 속에 시작했으나, 분위기는 반전을 맞았다.The consultation began in a friendly atmosphere, but the atmosphere was reversed. 배수진은 "대출 이자만 매달 100만원씩 나가는데 고정적인 수입이 나올 직업이 없어서 어떤 일을 해야할지 고민이다"라며 고민을 토로했다.Bae Soo-jin expressed his concern, saying, "I only pay 1 million won per month for interest on loans, but I don't have a job with a fixed income, so I'm worried about what to do." 또 그는 "사실은 아닌데 금수저, 철부지라는 꼬리표가 계속 붙는다.He also said, "It's not true, but I keep being labeled rich and immature." 심지어 '내가 같은 환경이었으면 대통령도 됐겠다'라는 소리도 들어봤다"라며 자신에게 따라붙는 사람들의 부정적인 낙인에 힘겨워 했다.I even heard that I would have become the president if I were in the same environment," he said, struggling with the negative stigma of those who followed him.

고민을 유심히 듣던 박미선은 "늘 공주님처럼 부족함 없이…Park Mi-sun, who was listening carefully to her worries, said, "I always have no shortage like a princess..."금수저가 맞다"라며 돌직구를 날려 배수진을 당황하게 만들었다."It's a golden spoon," he said, throwing a straightforward shot, embarrassing Bae Soo-jin. 또 장영란은 "내 팬이라고 해서 좋은 말만 하고 싶은데"라며 머뭇거리고는 이내 "저는 피 튀기게 너무 전쟁처럼 밑바닥부터 한 단계 한 단계 올라오다 보니 이 자리에 앉았다.In addition, Jang Young-ran hesitated, saying, "I want to say only good things because you are my fan," and soon said, "I sat down as I went up step by step from the bottom like a war to make my fans bleed." 비호감 이미지로 몇 십 년을 살았다.I have lived for decades in an unfavorable image. 방송인데 말하지 말라는 구박도 받아봤다"라고 비호감 낙인이 찍힌 채 살아온 경험담을 전했다."It's a broadcast, but I've been told not to talk," he said, sharing his experience of living with a stigma of disapproval.

쏀 언니들의 살벌한 팩폭을 자아낸 배수진의 사연과 배수진의 눈물을 자아낸 박미선X장영란X김호영의 따뜻한 조언은 27일 화요일 밤 9시 20분에 방송되는 '진격의 언니들'에서 공개된다.The story of Bae Soo-jin, who caused the brutal fact-bombing of Xian sisters, and warm advice from Park Mi-sun, Jang Young-ran, and Kim Ho-young, who caused tears of Bae Soo-jin, will be released on Tuesday night at 9:20 p.m. on the 27th.

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