Sonseokku, ♥ ︎ is Kim Ji-won as an anti-war 'flowers' beauty.

[osen : a Seon Mi Kyung] star boasted a ‘The beauty’ of the reversal is sonseokku.

Over the past four days to the film distributors from AB Oen Accutane, posted several photos, saying "In many ways a guilty man with Mr. sonseokku yeommijeong reobeulli, not Gabriel Bonnet de Mably '" the official sns.

A picture released in the film ‘2 urban crime’ and contained images of the actors and the curtain call.On the move is sonseokku pose wearing a crown of flowers in the car and taking pictures.Pose with both hands, uniquely calyx and even a playful facial expressions.손석구는 ‘범죄도시2’의 단체 티셔츠를 입고 극 중 빌런과는 다른 귀여운 매력을 어필하고 있어 눈길을 끈다.

Tickets for the film ‘2 urban crime’ are four days total integrated computer systems standards, the cumulative audience 831 6410. /

[picture] AB Oen from the Thein.

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