[The Sports Chosun the dot com a press spokeswoman Lee] singer reveals a love of my husband in Jung Suk-won Baek Ji-young.
Baek Ji-young Haim is to sleep through his 'Baek Ji-young baek z young' YouTube channel said on April 1, to live?(her husband _ with) ' to.
Baek Ji-young from the fans and broadcast live on that day talking and uploading video editing, it literally.
Live while the Baek Ji-young, " Honey?", saying" I am YouTube Live now my hon, " he said.And fans, " You my husband is returning and when I finish my work.Wear a suit in a long time. " explained.
As Baek Ji-young is Jung Suk-won, " Chris and say hello once.Baek Ji-young is Jung Suk-won, " Let's just all our fans seated next to personnel.
Jung Suk-won, in particular are collected in greeting and "I'm sorry." high, Baek Ji-young is Jung Suk-won, " What I'm sorry.I'm sorry. " hit deungjjak.이어 팬들에게 "뭐가 죄송한지 모르겠지만, 여러분 알아서 들어주세요"라고 이야기했다.
In addition, questions from fans around the world, "television, with me, please.", Jung Suk-won, a face is so black that from this don't like you said hello to me.I am not good at figures so that I thought you were a man ", saying"?Love affair added to some eye-catching.
Meanwhile, actor Jung Suk-won, 9 years younger and Baek Ji-young and blessed with one daughter to marry in 2013.The Jung Suk-won 2019 by an appeals court on charges of use of crystal meth, such as the first trial was sentenced to probation for two years in jail for 10 months.Activities since.