[The Sports Chosun the dot com a press spokeswoman Lee] why Bangtan Boys member of fearsome environment, the black picture pink Jenny's 'video call' and bwi have been identified.
In February, YouTube channel 'entertainment dwitongnyeong, Lee Jin-Ho', titled 'Jenny ♥ bwi video calling, why spill of fearsome environment,' images were published.
Bangtan Boys member, black picture pink Jenny an estimated personal life have been exported again. and bwiJenny is a picture by his forehead to get a kiss and a man who supposedly bwiro bwi is suspected woman and a video call Jenny.In addition, several pictures of the full list of the picture was also made public. Lee Jin-Ho about this concern in this picture, directly disclose the opinions of two security experts as the point.The file name to security professionals at it's like original file at all.카카오톡을 통해서 전송하고 그런게 아니라, 이거는 아예 원본 파일을 빼간거면 아예 핸드폰 자체가 해킹당한게 아닌가 싶다"면서 "그리고 핸드폰 자체의 사진을 찍어놓은 것도 지금 화면에 띄워져 있는게 캡쳐 화면이라고 하면, 이 핸드폰 자체는 해커 팬드폰이거나 공기계 이거나 그런 곳에서 이 화면을 띄워놓고 또 다른 카메라를 가지고 산진을 찍었다"라고 지적했다.
As " to avoid the tracking of their own way.Because the images themselves, location information or making an analysis traces are left to some extent.It seems to be action to to prevent such things ", saying" with an original file seems to be released, " added.
Security experts "After Mac screen capture from shortcuts and your Mac to the original file to Mac, not take picture also capture with the device.", and it's, " because when you see the first picture (a) Side are two a little bit dark.If you look at the peak part of the right of the slightly dark in the center.Because pixels, but when filming (to other devices) a feature of the analysis said.

특히 보안전문가는 "핸드폰이 해킹 당했을 가능성이 높다"면서 "핸드폰 자체가 해커에게 장악을 당하면, 결국에는 공격자는 이 사람이 실시간으로 핸드폰으로 뭘하는지 그리고 이 사람이 오프라인으로 어떤 장소에서 누구와 대화하는지 등을 마이크를 키고 들을 수도 있다.It's all that part can be scary, pointed out.
As well as video calling, sprang a surprise and said "you have a screen shot, but when an attacker who has a monitoring and captured so came the same." noting in the photos.
In the meantime, snap, both sides of the agency position with regard to this case out not only relieve the oppression of the fans growing.이에 대해 이진호는 "소속사도 나름대로의 방식을 통해서 관련 내용을 진행하고 있을 것이다"라면서 "오히려 그들에게 '열애를 인정하라'는 것 자체가 해커에게 더 큰 힘을 싣어줄 수 있고 그들의 목소리를 더 키워줄 수 있기 때문에 조금 더 조심스러워 하는 것 같다.Hacker is her silence about acts of both sides of the agency can sell enough parts, an opinion added.