[osen : a reporter Kim Soo Hyung] ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’, Sun Ye was out candidly talked about the charges, Oh Eun-young is her keenly noticed about burnout and advice.
Sun-ye and together. in two televised on Channel ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’ to the arts, a
Sun-ye the singer returned to a solo album in 10 years this day.It was the Wiener Minho the activity also added that City Hall experienced at the time of the instrument, "appeared fully think that can be honest with your feelings." and mention the agony. Asked the problem of childcare brilliant comeback after 10 years, Sun Ye in earnest.Asked about the 26 years old and my mom when It was the "little emotions can't, OK, it's all right in." and "Marriage is accepted as a new start in life, I have selected" big impact, saying it did not.In particular, that It was the natural childbirth at home without a painless injection "In the old days mothers don't you, once proven because there's anything I wanted to see." said.
Asked about postpartum depression.It was the "Well, (hard) was transferred and the idea, Ken well in a given environment is his wife, the mother I wanted to to do that." and showed a serene.And It was the "don't have married around, no one is really to turn to." and even alone wasn't easy, but I have indicated that all right.A tug boat find a way to live alone in unfamiliar environment.

This for the option of a recognition in return for "It seems hard to deny it" and "to decisions and choices I talk much.", and I did it.Nothing to regret his choice to exist.Oh Eun-young, saying it was "difficult, but I'll do my best one choice that it's okay to feel emotions and thoughts naturally is different." comfortable expressing a difficult figure said.그러면서 "억압과 억제를 하면서 내 안에 당연히 힘든 감정을 부정해버린다 힘든 것을 힘들다고 표현하지 못하고 부정하는 사람의 특징"이라 전했다.
The grandfather and his father's funeral twice and think again about the purpose for life at a time when said.He "dream life, but ultimately led to a fundamental question, a handful of ashes. A and a question mark.".
Since then, as it used to be, and "is that it was emptiness, which can not express feelings and, I won't be able to fill the void the more famous and you get rich." stage is not happy said.At one point, have burnout.
선예는 "예전과 같지 않아 쉬어가야하는 타이밍인가보다 생각했다"며 앞만보고 달린 만큼 쉼이 필요했다면서 "점점 내면의 고민이 깊어졌고 어느 순간 멤버들에게 미안한 마음도 들더라 나의 불안함에 멤버들에게 피해를 주는건 아닐까 싶었다"며 리더였기에 책임감으로 탈퇴를 선택했던 것이라 전했다.

이에 오은영은 "정신과 의사로 이해하지만 일반인이 듣긴 앞뒤가 안 맞는 말"이라며 "대중은 원더걸스 완전체에서 힘을 발휘해, 한 명이 빠지면 영향이 크다 탈퇴가 오히려 말도 안 되는 반응이 왔던 것, 팬들이 오해하지 않을 방법도 많은데 왜 극단적인 탈퇴를 택했을까 이해가 안 된다"고 말했다.
이에 대해 선예는 "'탈퇴'라는 말이 불러온 오해가 있다"며 "오히려 결혼과 육아로 인한 선예 때문에 활동을 못한다는 오해가 있어 2~3년간 공백기간이 있었다"면서 탈퇴하지 않은 자신 때문에다른 멤버들이 피해를 보고 있다고 오해받은 상황이었다고 했다.
선예는 "나 때문에 다른 멤버들이 상처받고 어려운 일이 생기면 안 된다는 생각에 공식적으로 내 역할을 깔끔하게 정리해야할 것 같았다, (내가 탈퇴하면) 독립적으로 멤버들이 활동할 수 있을거라 생각했다"며 "개인적으로 탈퇴해도 원더걸스와의 시간은 없어지는건 아니기 때문"이라며 탈퇴 이유를 전했다.

그러면서 선예는 "목표를 이루니 번아웃, 공허함을 느꼈다 어린 시절도 외동이라 외로움을 느껴 의지할 수 있는 누군가가 필요했고 결혼할 사람이 보였을 때 내 타이밍이란 확신이 있었다"며 그렇게 결혼을 했고, 가족은 선예에게 새로운 삶의 이정표가 됐다고 전했다.
Jung Hyung-don says he is "It is sad to contain my feeling upset I was trying to do and trying to be all right. not express his grief." and seeing the emotions expressed frankly never cried, her story never felt if I looked straight ahead.It was the the "not comfortable with emotion." and said, "Healing is a problem can express various feelings one marriage."
On the other hand, ages are from 0 to 100 years old! channel ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’ to the arts, aOh Eun-young's former mentor people to go out together a variety of concerns national mental care programs to air every Friday at 9:30 p.m.
[picture] ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’.