Joo Min Ha and the only (on the left side of the fourth) (the right) is married.The Sports Chosun dbSurprise from the only (real name bakssangil) group [Ko Jae Wan the sports news] actor Joo Min Ha and actress is married.
These are wedding next month, 17 and will be.The only businessman known to have to leave the entertainment industry.They are passionate love for about four years after married to.
Meanwhile, last in 2006, kbs school drama 'round three' Joo Min Ha is his debut with 'Queen of Housewives', 'What a good old days', 'tears from heaven.', who starred in films 'Jackal Is Coming', 'sketch', 'The night view : Death of a taxi', 'de seuteuraep' and 'a wonderful legacy'.In recent years, channel a in 'by steaming and a bottleneck to couple' and played as a reenactment actress..Are the only to focus on their business after the surprise in 2020.