[The Daily Sports ijisu]

Ok Joo-hyun, the Charlotte Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on February 21, Lotte World Theatre in musicals 'mataari' and play them to attend the press call.'mataari' the musical was the First World War double agent of the French authorities on suspicion of being executed by firing squad after being arrested a beautiful dancer 'mataari'. Louis (real name of gut magaretaSeeler) tanhaenghan based on the performance of work.Park Se Wan a press /. / 2022.06.21
Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.
Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.
Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.
Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.
Ok Joo-hyun, was the exclusive domain musical episode from the show, 'Casting have to oneself.' that she had been surrounded by controversy this time.
DCinside gallery an essay about "episode from Ok Joo-hyun, a cast changed, while greed, move up as 8:2", 28 plays and musicals and led to hot up.
해당 글에 올라온 뮤지컬 스케줄표를 보면, '마타하리' 역할은 옥주현과 김소향이 더블 캐스팅됐으나 거의 8:2 비율로 옥주현이 압도적으로 많이 출연하는 일정이었다.반면 라두 대령 역의 신성록, 류정한, 김준현은 비슷한 비율로, 아르망 역의 송창의, 엄기준도 반반 정도로, 캐서린 역의 선우와 홍기주도 절반씩 출연을 나눠서 하는 스케줄을 보였다.Ok Joo-hyun, whose only overwhelming that rates are high in contrast to the.
In particular, such a forced march was schedule to be hard for Ok Joo-hyun, whose own and talked about.In fact, Ok Joo-hyun, said actor cast for health reasons have changed.Pull a switch I apologize for confusion, the Musical production companies of the notice referred to in article in Taepyeong-ro 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, April 23, was valid, 2nd run April 24 concert of the 1st run did not participate.
This piece of writing the netizens is too much, " Why are you so much to?"," Sur seem to have their demand to crowd the mataari the Bodhisattva. "," "," At that point, gimsoyang a virtual lock for any guarantee for each episode from?"," actor was greed and clemency is what's the problem?", "돈은 이미 많이 벌었을텐데 돈 때문에 욕심내는 것은 말인 안된다", "옥주현 찾는 관객들이 많으니까 그런 거겠지, 제작사랑 협의된 거면 문제 없다" 등 다양한 의견을 내비쳤다.
Ok Joo-hyun, meanwhile, recently gimhoyeong is aimed at 'jade plate' remarks about the musical said the charges rocked the world.On the first generation of musical actors unitedly a statement of nuance, like supporting and gimhoyeong, which for the gimhoyeong for the charges.Ok Joo-hyun, whose 'mataari' promotional schedule and other performances since its activities and affords a 'a mental box' move.
Ijisu digital news team news.

Ok Joo-hyun, the Charlotte Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul on February 21, Lotte World Theatre in musicals 'mataari' and play them to attend the press call.'mataari' the musical was the First World War double agent of the French authorities on suspicion of being executed by firing squad after being arrested a beautiful dancer 'mataari'. Louis (real name of gut magaretaSeeler) tanhaenghan based on the performance of work.Park Se Wan a press /. / 2022.06.21

Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.

Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.

Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.

Ok Ju-hyun roiled by controversy of cronyism 'mataari' cast play.
Ok Joo-hyun, was the exclusive domain musical episode from the show, 'Casting have to oneself.' that she had been surrounded by controversy this time.
DCinside gallery an essay about "episode from Ok Joo-hyun, a cast changed, while greed, move up as 8:2", 28 plays and musicals and led to hot up.
해당 글에 올라온 뮤지컬 스케줄표를 보면, '마타하리' 역할은 옥주현과 김소향이 더블 캐스팅됐으나 거의 8:2 비율로 옥주현이 압도적으로 많이 출연하는 일정이었다.반면 라두 대령 역의 신성록, 류정한, 김준현은 비슷한 비율로, 아르망 역의 송창의, 엄기준도 반반 정도로, 캐서린 역의 선우와 홍기주도 절반씩 출연을 나눠서 하는 스케줄을 보였다.Ok Joo-hyun, whose only overwhelming that rates are high in contrast to the.
In particular, such a forced march was schedule to be hard for Ok Joo-hyun, whose own and talked about.In fact, Ok Joo-hyun, said actor cast for health reasons have changed.Pull a switch I apologize for confusion, the Musical production companies of the notice referred to in article in Taepyeong-ro 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, April 23, was valid, 2nd run April 24 concert of the 1st run did not participate.
This piece of writing the netizens is too much, " Why are you so much to?"," Sur seem to have their demand to crowd the mataari the Bodhisattva. "," "," At that point, gimsoyang a virtual lock for any guarantee for each episode from?"," actor was greed and clemency is what's the problem?", "돈은 이미 많이 벌었을텐데 돈 때문에 욕심내는 것은 말인 안된다", "옥주현 찾는 관객들이 많으니까 그런 거겠지, 제작사랑 협의된 거면 문제 없다" 등 다양한 의견을 내비쳤다.
Ok Joo-hyun, meanwhile, recently gimhoyeong is aimed at 'jade plate' remarks about the musical said the charges rocked the world.On the first generation of musical actors unitedly a statement of nuance, like supporting and gimhoyeong, which for the gimhoyeong for the charges.Ok Joo-hyun, whose 'mataari' promotional schedule and other performances since its activities and affords a 'a mental box' move.
Ijisu digital news team news.