[OSEN=김수형 기자] ‘돌싱포맨’에서 송일국이 현재 판사아내와 각각 서울과 순천에서 따로 살고 있다고 고백, 설렜던 러브스토리도 전했다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] In "Dolling For Man," Song Il-guk confessed that he currently lives separately from his judge's wife in Seoul and Suncheon, respectively, and told an exciting love story.
28일 방송된 SBS 예능 ‘돌싱포맨’에서 송일국이 판사 아내에 대해 언급했다.Song Il-guk mentioned the judge's wife on SBS entertainment show Dolsing For Man, which aired on the 28th.
이날 송일국이 함께 뮤지컬을 하게 된 홍지민, 장현성과 달리 쭈뼛하며 들어오자 모두 “가장 뮤지컬에 늦게 입문한 느낌”이라 했다.Unlike Hong Ji-min and Jang Hyun-sung, who Song Il-guk joined the musical together, everyone said, "I feel like I entered the musical the latest." 송일국은 자신에게 “중고 신인”이라며 2016년에 뮤지컬을 처음 입문했다고 언급, “’브로드웨이 42번가’도 홍지민과 함께 했다"고 했다.Song Il-guk mentioned to him that he first entered the musical in 2016 saying he was a "middle and high school rookie," adding, "Broadway 42nd Street was also with Hong Ji-min." 장현성은 “개인적으로 대단하다 생각한게 뮤지컬 오디션 제안을 받은게 아니다”며 “오디션 일정을 직접 챙기고 서류를 챙겨서 봤다”고 했고 송일국도 “떨어진 작품만 4~5개 된다 심지어 삼둥이와 같이 오디션 봤다가 다 떨어진 적도 있다, 떨어진 이유는 실력이 안 된 것”이라고 고백해 놀라움을 안겼다.Jang Hyun-sung said, "I personally thought it was great because I didn't get an audition offer," adding, "I took the audition schedule myself and watched it with documents," and Song Il-guk also said, "I even auditioned with Samdongi and failed. The reason I failed was because I wasn't good enough." 계속해서 멤버들은 “송일국 잘 예능 안 나오니 털 게 많다The members keep saying, "Since Song Il-guk doesn't appear on variety shows often, there's a lot to shake off". 삼둥이 아버지, 아내는 판사다”며 언급, 이상민은 “어디 법원이냐”며 관심을 가졌다."The father and wife of the triplets are judges," Lee Sang-min said, adding, "Which court is it?" 이에 송일국은 아내가 순천 발령이라고 대답, 그러면서 “원칙이 가족 다 같이 가는 거지만,뮤지컬 작품으로 함께 못 갔다, 처음으로 떨어져 지낸다”고 말했다.In response, Song Il-guk replied that his wife was appointed to Suncheon, and said, "The principle is that all the family members go together, but we couldn't go together for a musical work, so we're separated for the first time." 서울과 순천으로 각집살이를 한다는 것.They live in their own houses in Seoul and Suncheon. 삼둥이는 서울에서 송일국과 함께 지낸다고 했다.He said he would stay with Song Il-guk in Seoul.
떨어져지내며 어떤지 묻자 송일국은 자신도 모르게 웃음, “2주 밖에 안 되는데 애틋하다, 여보, 너무 보고싶다”며 수습했다.When asked how it was as it fell off, Song Il-guk unknowingly smiled, saying, "It's only been two weeks, but I feel affectionate, honey, I miss you so much." 현재 삼둥이 아이들과 서울살이 중이라는 송일국에, 갑자기 멤버들은 “그럼 아내분이 좋겠다Song Il-guk, who is currently living in Seoul with his triplets, said, "Then your wife would be great." 형수님이 만세다”며 최고의 승자(?)는 아내라고 했다."Hooray for your wife," he said. "The best winner is my wife." 얼마만에 혼자만의 시간을 누릴 것이라고.It's been a while since I've had some alone time.
이에 송일국은 “안 그래도 아내가 다시 태어나면 나랑 안 살고 싶다고 해 ,혼자살고 싶어 하더라”면서 “제가 손이 너무 많이 간다는 이유”라고 전했다.In response, Song Il-guk said, "My wife said she didn't want to live with me when she was born again, and she wanted to live alone," adding, "That's why I need too much care." 그러면서 “아내가 늘 말하는게 아들 넷 키운다고 한다”고 하자 탁재훈은“그런 말까지 듣고 살고싶나 손이 더가는게 남펴인 줄 알았는데 아이인 것”이라 언급, 송일국은 “얘기가 이상하게 흘러간다”며 당황했다.When he said, "What my wife always says is that she raises four sons," Tak Jae-hoon said, "I want to hear that and live, but I thought I was a child, but I thought it was a child," and Song Il-guk was embarrassed, saying, "The story goes weird."
계속해서 이상민은 ‘대한민국 최고 남편인 송일국, 판사 아내분과 사는 기분은 어떠냐”고 묻자 송일국은“일단 싸움이 안 된다 , 직업 자체가 싸움에 개입해 판단하는 일이니 단 한번도 이긴적없고 이길 수 없다”고 했다.When Lee Sang-min continued to ask, "How do you feel living with Song Il-guk, the best husband in Korea, and the judge's wife?" Song Il-guk said, "First of all, you can't fight. Your job itself is a matter of intervening in the fight, so you've never won and you can't win." 이에 탁재훈은 “사회봉사 몇 번 받았나”고 하자 송일국은 “늘 하고 있다”며 재치있게 받아쳤다.When Tak Jae-hoon said, "How many times have you received community service?" Song Il-guk responded tactfully, saying, "I'm always doing it."
또 송일국이 아내를 처음 만났을 때 ‘내 인생에도 광복이 왔다’고 했던 말을 묻자 송일국은 “아내 처음 만난 날이 광복절,처음 소개팅이었다”며 연예부 기자가 주선한 소개팅이었다고 했다.When asked about Song Il-guk's first meeting with his wife, he said, "The first day I met my wife was Liberation Day, the first blind date," adding that it was a blind date arranged by a reporter from the entertainment department. ‘주몽’ 드라마 출연 중 시청률 50% 고공행진했을 때였다고.It was when the ratings were 50 percent higher during the "Jumong" drama.송일국은 “아내가 마침 정신없이 바빴던 때라, 아내가 소개팅을 몇번 거절해, 사실은 오기로 만났다”며 “계속 취소됐다가 촬영 없던 광복절에 첫 만남이 된 것, (첫인상) 너무 좋아서 첫만남에 점심때 만나 밤 12시까지 있었다"고 했다.Song Il-guk said, "My wife was busy just in time, so I turned down my blind date a few times, so I actually met her on Liberation Day, when there was no filming, and I loved it (first impression) so I met her at lunch and stayed until midnight."
송일국은 “보통 연예인 선입견이 있어 오해없게 모든 걸 공개했다”며 심지어 첫만남에 휴대폰으로 위치추적까지 연결해 모든 걸 오픈했다면서 “항상 세트장과 집만 왔다갔다했을 때, 근데 아내가 몰랐다Song Il-guk said, "I usually revealed everything without misunderstanding because I had a prejudice against celebrities," adding, "I even opened everything by connecting location tracking with my cell phone at my first meeting," adding, "When I always went back and forth between the set and home, my wife didn't know." 아내가 위치추적하면 나한테도 통보가 오는 걸 몰랐다”며 “새벽3시에 밤새 촬영하는데 알림이 울리더라, 날 찾는 알림이 30분마다 오니까 날 좋아하는구나 느꼈다, 나중에 한참 뒤에 알람 얘기해줬다”며 비하인드를 전했다."I didn't know that I was notified when my wife tracked the location," he said adding, "I was filming all night at 3 a.m., and the notification rang every 30 minutes, so I felt that you liked me, and he told me about the alarm a long time later.
특히 그는 프러포즈를 남산타워 레스토랑을 통대관했으나 사정상 동생 부부에게 양보했다면서 "결국 한강 둔치, 차안에서 반지를 줬다"고 말해 눈길을 끌었다.In particular, he leased the proposal to Namsan Tower Restaurant, but due to circumstances, he gave it to his younger brother and his wife, saying, "I eventually gave him a ring on the riverside of the Han River in the car."
한편, SBS 예능 ‘돌싱포맨’은 행복에 목마른 네 남자의 토크쇼로 매주 화요일 밤 11시 10분에 방송된다.Meanwhile, SBS entertainment show Dolsing For Man is a talk show of four men thirsty for happiness and airs every Tuesday night at 11:10 p.m.
[사진]‘돌싱포맨’[Picture] "Dolling For Man".