'실화탐사대', 황영웅 논란 후폭풍[★FOCUS]Hwang Young-woong's controversial aftermath of "Real Story Exploration Team" [★FOCUS]

MBC '실화탐사대'에서 황영웅 논란을 다뤘다.MBC's "Real Story Exploration Team" dealt with the controversy over Hwang Young-woong./사진=MBC/ Photo = MBC[이경호 스타뉴스 기자] 황영웅의 학교 폭력, 데이트 폭력, 금품 갈취 등 과거 의혹을 '실화탐사대'가 제기한 후 난리가 났다.[Lee Kyung-ho, a reporter for Star News] Hwang Young-woong's school violence, dating violence, and extortion of money and valuables were raised by the "real story exploration team."

MBC '실화탐사대'는 지난 30일 방송에서 '우리들의 일그러진 영웅 '가수 황영웅 학폭 논란' 편을 방송했다.MBC's "Real Story Exploration Team" aired the episode of "Our Distorted Hero, Singer Hwang Young-woong's School Violence Controversy" on the 30th.

이번 '실화탐사대'에서는 앞서 불거졌던 황영웅의 학교 폭력(이하 학폭) 의혹 논란의 내막을 알아보기 위해 나섰다.In this "Real Story Exploration Team," Hwang Young-woong's controversy over school violence (hereinafter referred to as school violence) that erupted earlier was set out to find out the inside story. 황영웅은 앞서 MBN '불타는 트롯맨'에 출연, 강력한 우승 후보로 떠오를 만큼 시청자들에게 많은 관심을 받았다.Hwang Young-woong previously appeared in MBN's "Burning Trotman" and received so much attention from viewers that he emerged as a strong candidate for the championship. 그러나 황영웅은 과거 학폭 및 상해 전과 의혹이 제기돼 논란이 됐고, 결국 황영웅은 '불타는 트롯맨'에서 최종 결승전 무대를 앞두고 하차했다.However, Hwang Young-woong became controversial due to allegations of school violence and criminal record of injury in the past, and eventually Hwang Young-woong dropped out of the "Burning Trotman" ahead of the final stage. 황영웅은 프로그램에서 하차했지만, 그에 대한 의혹이 이어졌고, 논란은 계속된 바 있다.Hwang Young-woong dropped out of the program, but suspicions continued about him, and the controversy continued.

◆ '실화탐사대', 논란의 황영웅 과거 추적◆ True Story Exploration Team tracks controversial Hwang Young-woong's past
'실화탐사대'는 황영웅의 고향을 찾아 황영웅의 인성을 파악했다.The Silhwa Exploration Team visited Hwang's hometown and grasped Hwang's personality.

먼저 '실탐사대'가 만난 황영웅의 고향 주민들은 황영웅에 대해 부정적인 시선이 없었다.First of all, the residents of Hwang Young-woong's hometown, where the "Real Investigation Team" met, had no negative views on Hwang Young-woong. 한 주민은 "황영웅에 대해서 아는 엄마들이 이야기하는 거 들으면 어른들한테 엄청 예의 바르고"라고 말했다.One resident said, "When I hear mothers who know about Hwang Hero talk, they are very polite to adults." 또 다른 주민은 황영웅을 오래 지켜봤다면서 "걔가 인성이 나쁘고 그러지 않거든요"라고 말했다.Another resident said, "I've watched Hwang Young-woong for a long time," adding, "He's not a bad person." 이외에 "동네 아줌마들 다 좋아하는데 나쁜 애 아닌데요"라고 주장하는 주민도 있었다.In addition, there was a resident who claimed, "I like all the women in the neighborhood, but I'm not a bad girl." 주민들의 반응과 달리 황영웅의 중학교 동창생의 주장은 주민들의 주장과는 달라다.Contrary to residents' responses, Hwang Young-woong's middle school alumni's arguments are different from those of residents. '실화탐사대'와 만난 황영웅 중학교 동창 A씨는 "장애가 있거나 모자라거나 왜소하거나 집이 못살거나 부족한 친구들만 골라서 많이 괴롭혔었던 그런 아이였다"고 주장했다.Hwang Young-woong middle school alumni A, who met with the "Real Story Exploration Team," claimed, "He was the kind of child who bullied a lot by choosing only friends who were disabled, insufficient, dwarfed, or unable to live in a house." 그러면서 그는 황영웅의 중학교 졸업 앨범을 보여주기도 했다.At the same time, he also showed Hwang's middle school graduation album. 키가 183cm였다는 황영웅은 학창시절 체격이 꽤 좋았다고.Hwang, who was 183cm tall, said he was quite well-built when he was a student.

A씨는 "몸이 왜소했던 친구가 있었는데 일부러 커튼 같은 걸로 가려서 거기에서 황영웅이 뭐라고 하면 그 친구는 항상 울면서 나왔다"며 "그 친구한테 황영웅이 XX 행위라든지 성관계를 하는 그런 행위 등을 가르친다.Mr. A said, "I had a friend who was dwarfed, but he intentionally covered himself with a curtain or something, and when Hwang Young-woong said something, he always cried and came out," adding, "I teach my friend Hwang Young-woong's XX behavior or sexual intercourse." 여자애들 나오는 거 보고 XX라고 크게 외치고 그 행위를 하게 했었는데 잦았다.When I saw the girls coming out, I shouted XX loudly and made them do it, but it was frequent. 그 중에 황영웅이 좀 앞장섰다"고 주장했다.Among them, Hwang Young-woong took the lead."

황영웅이 금품을 갈취했다는 주장도 나왔다.Some claimed that Hwang Young-woong extorted money and valuables. A씨는 황영웅이 공포의 존재였다면서, "유행하던 카드를 뜯으면서 가고 있다가 황영웅이 불러서 갔는데 덩치 큰 고등학교 형들이 있었다.Mr. A said Hwang Young-woong was a fear, adding, "I was going while opening a popular card and Hwang Young-woong called me, but there were big high school brothers. '카드 구경하자' 이러면서 카드를 뺏었다."Let's take a look at the cards," he said, stealing the cards. 황영웅이 옆에서 '천원, 2천원 주면 카드 같이 찾아준다'고 했다.Hwang Young-woong said next to him, "If you give me 1,000 won or 2,000 won, I'll find you a card together." 지능적이라고 할 수 있다"며 황영웅으로부터 금전적인 피해를 받았다고 주장했다.It can be said to be intelligent," he said, claiming that he received financial damage from Hwang.

MBC '실화탐사대'.MBC's "Real Story Exploration Team."/사진=MBC '실화탐사대' 방송 화면 캡처Photo = Capture the broadcast screen of MBC's True Story Exploration Team
이뿐만 아니라 또 다른 동창생은 황영웅에게 게임기를 빼앗기기도 했다고 주장했다.In addition, another alumni claimed that Hwang Young-woong had taken his game console away. 또한 황영웅 동생의 동창생은 "황영웅이라는 사람의 동생 그 친구랑 축구 하는데, 엄청 심하게 태클을 걸었어요.Also, Hwang Young-woong's younger brother's alumni said, "I was playing soccer with Hwang Young-woong's younger brother, and he tackled me very badly. 그래서 제가 땅에 찧어버린 거예요.That's why I hit it on the ground. 좌측 쇄골 뼈가 완전히 박살이 났거든요"라면서 흉터를 보여줬다."My left clavicle bone is completely smashed," he said, showing the scar. 그는 입원 후 응급수술을 했다면서 황영웅이 나타나 "엄청 낮은 목소리로 이 사실을 부모님한테 이야기하면 죽여버린다"고 했다는 주장을 했다.He claimed that he had emergency surgery after hospitalization, and that Hwang Young-woong appeared and said, "If you tell this to your parents in a very low voice, I'll kill you."

'실화탐사대'는 황영웅의 전 여자친구도 만났다.The True Story Expedition also met Hwang's ex-girlfriend. 황영웅의 전 여자친구는 "주위 사람들이 황영웅이 나한테 잘못했다는 건 진짜 모두 인정하는 사실이다"라고 주장했다.Hwang Young-woong's ex-girlfriend claimed, "Everyone around me admits that Hwang Young-woong did wrong to me." 그는 황영웅과 교제 할때 자신은 고등학생이었다고 했다.He said he was a high school student when he went out with Hwang. 그러면서 황영웅으로부터 폭행을 당했다는 주장을 했다.In the meantime, he claimed that he was assaulted by Hwang.

MBC '실화탐사대'.MBC's "Real Story Exploration Team."/사진=MBC '실화탐사대' 방송 화면 캡처Photo = Capture the broadcast screen of MBC's True Story Exploration Team황영웅에게 어린 시절 폭행을 당했다고 주장하는 친구는 "황영웅과 술을 마셨는데 갑자기 주먹이 날아왔다.A friend who claimed to have been assaulted by Hwang Young-woong as a child said, "I was drinking with Hwang Young-woong, and suddenly my fist flew over. 얼굴을 맞고 쓰러졌는데 또 발로 얼굴을 차더라.I fell down after being hit in the face, but he kicked me in the face again. 서열로 자기가 더 위라고 생각하는데 그냥 본인 뜻대로 해야 된다.You think you are higher in rank, but you just have to do what you want. 내가 뜻을 안 따라주면 기분 나빠 하고 공격적인 행동을 보인다거나 이런 강압성이 있었다"고 말했다.If I don't follow my will, I feel bad and show aggressive behavior, or I have this kind of coercion."

'실화탐사대'는 '불타는 트롯맨'에 출연한 황영웅을 응원했던 사람들도 만났다."Real Story Exploration Team" also met people who supported Hwang Young-woong, who appeared in "Burning Trotman." 황영웅을 지켜야 된다는 팬들을 만나기도 했고, 논란 전 황영웅의 팬이었던 사람도 만났다.He also met fans who had to protect Hwang Young-woong, and met a fan of Hwang Young-woong's before the controversy. 논란 전 황영웅의 팬이었다는 사람은 자신의 아이도 과거 학폭에 시달렸던 피해자였다고.Before the controversy, a fan of Hwang Young-woong said, "My child was also a victim of school violence in the past.

'실화탐사대' 제작진은 황영웅의 입장을 들어보기 위해 그에게 연락을 시도했지만, 연락이 닿지 않았다.The production team of "Real Story Exploration Team" attempted to contact Hwang Young-woong to hear his position, but could not be reached. 이런 가운데, 황영웅과 연락이 닿는다는 친구가 할 말이 있다면서 '실화탐사대' 제작진과 만나다.In the midst of this, a friend who can contact Hwang Young-woong said he had something to say, and met with the production team of "Real Story Exploration Team." 그는 인터넷 폭로는 과장되었다고 전했고, "학창 시절 때 그렇게 좀 지냈었습니다.He said the Internet exposure was exaggerated and said, "I spent some time like that when I was a student. 친구끼리 여러 명 뭉쳐서 다니고 이랬었던 적은 있죠.There was a time when many friends gathered and went around. 당연히 지금 말하는 것처럼 사람들이 안 좋게 보일 수밖에 없었고"라고 말했다.Of course, people couldn't help but look as bad as they say now."

또한 이 친구는 "누구를 괴롭히고, 어떤 학우를 괴롭히고 때리고 금품 갈취하고 뭐 서열이라고 해야 되나.He also said, "Who do you think you should bully, beat, extort money, or rank?" 이런 식으로 약한 친구 욕하고 그랬던 친구는 따로 있어요"라면서 "그쪽 무리가 좀 안 좋게 말하면 영웅이를 돈 있으면 부르고 그런 식으로 (이용)했었어요"라고 주장했다.I have a friend who used to curse weak friends in this way, he said. "To put it a little worse, I used to call a hero if he had money." 더불어 "물론 영웅이가 그 친구들이랑 친해지고 싶어서 처음에는 뭐도 사주고 그런 시절이 있었거든요"라고 덧붙이며 일진과 어룰렸지만 학폭은 하지 않았다는 주장을 했다.In addition, he added, "Of course, there was a time when the hero bought me something at first because he wanted to get close to those friends," and argued that he did not abuse the bullies.

◆ '실화탐사대' 방송 후, 시청자의견 게시판 갑론을박◆ After the "Real Story Exploration Team" broadcast, viewers' opinion bulletin board was controversial.

'실화탐사대'에서 황영웅의 과거를 추적한 내용이 방송된 후, '실화탐사대'의 시청자의견 게시판은 난리가 났다.After Hwang Young-woong's past was broadcast on "Real Story Exploration Team," the viewer's opinion board of "Real Story Exploration Team" went wild. 황영웅을 응원하는 팬들과 이에 반대하는 시청자, 네티즌들이 갑론을박을 벌이고 있는 상황이다.Fans who support Hwang Young-woong, viewers and netizens who oppose him are arguing.

MBC '실화탐사대'.MBC's "Real Story Exploration Team."/사진=MBC '실화탐사대' 방송 화면 캡처Photo = Capture the broadcast screen of MBC's True Story Exploration Team먼저, 황영웅의 팬들을 그를 향한 응원의 목소리를 높이고 있다.First of all, Hwang's fans are raising their voices of support for him. 더불어 '실화탐사대'의 이번 방송에 비난을 쏟아내고 있다.In addition, they are criticizing the broadcast of "Real Story Exploration Team."

일부 팬들은 "소설에서 힌트를 얻어 소설을 썼나보네" "믿어도 되나" "조작방송" "편파방송"이라고 '실화탐사대'를 향해 비난했다.Some fans criticized the 'real story exploration team' for "I guess they wrote the novel with hints from the novel," "Can I believe it?" "Fabricated broadcasts" and "biased broadcasts." 또한 "철없을 때 일이다."It's when I was immature. 지금 착실히 살면 됐다" "활동해도 된다" 등이라면서 황영웅 응원에 나선 일부 팬들도 있었다.Some fans cheered for Hwang Young-woong, saying, "You can just live steadily now." and "You can be active."

팬들의 반응과 달리 일부 시청자, 네티즌들은 경악했다.Contrary to fans' responses, some viewers and netizens were shocked. 이들은 황영웅을 응원하는 팬들을 향해 쓴소리를 하면서 "폭력은 정당화 될 수 없는 일이었다" "피해자 생각은 안 하냐" "황영웅 팬이 맞냐" 등 다양한 반응을 쏟아냈다.They criticized fans cheering for Hwang Young-woong, pouring out various reactions, such as "violence was unjustifiable," "Don't you think about the victim?" and "Are you really Hwang Young-woong's fan?"

'실화탐사대' 시청자의견 게시판은 방송 전부터 팬들과 일부 시청자들과 의견대립이 펼쳐졌다.The "Real Story Exploration Team" viewer opinion board had a disagreement with fans and some viewers even before the broadcast. 방송 후에도 갑론을박이 이어지면서 난리가 났다.The controversy continued after the broadcast, causing a stir.

이경호 기자 Reporter Lee Kyung-ho:
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