장가현 “쇼핑몰 사업 파산에 세금만 1억..Jangga Prefecture "In bankruptcy of shopping mall business, taxes alone 100 million..."43살 생리 끊기고 공황장애 진단 받아”(진격의언니들)43-year-old with discontinued menstruation and diagnosed with panic disorder (advanced sisters)

[스포츠서울 | 남서영기자] 배우 장가현이 힘들었던 과거를 떠올렸다.Actor Jang Ga-hyun recalled the difficult past.

28일 방송된 채널S ‘진격의 언니들’에는 배우 장가현이 출연했다.Actor Jang Ga-hyun appeared on Channel S's "Attack on the Sisters," which aired on the 28th.

이날 장가현은 “제가 ENTP다.On the same day, Jang Ga-hyun said, "I'm ENTP. 특징이 냉정하고 남일에 관심이 없다”며 성격과 관련된 일화를 공개했다.He is cold-hearted and doesn't care about other people's affairs," he said, revealing an anecdote related to his personality.

그는 전 남편 조성민이 한쪽 눈을 실명했던 당시를 떠올리며 “그 시기가 저한테도 힘들 때였다.Recalling the time when her ex-husband Cho Sung-min was blind in one eye, she said, "That was a hard time for me, too. 사업도 너무 힘들게 접었고, 가정 형편도 너무 어려웠다.The business was too difficult to close, and the family situation was too difficult. 실명했다는 걸 안 순간 애들 학원비 등 현실적인 생각을 하게 되더라.As soon as I found out that I was blind, I started to think about realistic things such as my children's academy expenses. 남편을 다독여주지 못했다”고 털어놨다.I couldn't comfort my husband."

출처| 채널Schannel S
또 장가현은 “이혼 전에 등 떠밀리듯 쇼핑몰 사업을 하게 됐다.In addition, Jang Ga-hyun said, "Before divorce, I started a shopping mall business as if I were pushed back. 너무 잘 되다가 파산했다”며 “세금이 1억 가까이 나왔다”고 말해 모두를 놀라게 했다.I went bankrupt after doing so well," he said, surprising everyone by saying, "The tax came out close to 100 million won."

그러면서 “갱년기도 빨리 오고, 43살에 생리가 끊겼다."The menopause also came early, and my period ended at 43. 정신과를 갔더니 공황장애랑 우울증이 심하다는 거다”고 밝혔다.I went to the psychiatrist and he said he had severe panic disorder and depression."

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