사진 출처=채널SSource of photo = Channel S[스포츠조선 이정혁 기자]장가현이 전 남편 조성민의 실명 당시 심경과 파산→1억대 세금→43세에 생리가 끊긴 뒤 공황장애와 우울증 진단을 받았다고 고백했다.[Sports Chosun reporter Lee Jung-hyuk] Jang Ga-hyun confessed that she was diagnosed with panic disorder and depression after her period was cut off at the age of 43 at the time of her ex-husband Cho Sung-min's blindness.
28일 방송된 채널 S '진격의 언니들'에서 장가현이 출연했다.Jang Ga-hyun appeared on Channel S'Attack on the 28th.
그는 "MBTI가 ENTP, 냉정하고 남일에 관심없는 성향인데, 그 중에서도 T성향이 강해 인생이 고달프다"며 상담에 나섰다.He consulted, saying, "MBTI is ENTP, cold and uninterested in other people's work, but among them, life is hard because of its strong T tendency." MBTI는 개인의 성격을 16가지로 분류하는 자기보고형 성격 유형 검사로, T는 감성보다 이성적인 사고에 근거해 상황을 판단하는 성향을 뜻한다.MBTI is a self-report personality type test that classifies an individual's personality into 16 categories, and T means a tendency to judge a situation based on rational thinking rather than emotion.
먼저 장가현은 전 남편 조성민의 한쪽 눈이 실명 단계였을때에 대해 말을 꺼냈다.First, Jang Ga-hyun brought up the story about the time when one eye of her ex-husband Cho Sung-min was in the stage of blindness. "그 시기가 나한테 힘들 때였다,사업도 너무 힘들게 접고, 가정형편 어려워을 시기"라며 "실명된 전 남편에게 아픔을 공감이 아니라 일단 살길부터 모색했다."That was a hard time for me, and it was a time when my business was too hard, and my family was in trouble," he said, "I didn't sympathize with my blind ex-husband, but I looked for a way to live for now." 실의에 빠진 남편을 공감못했고 많이 서운했을 것"이라고 털어놨다.I couldn't relate to my disappointed husband and he must have been very disappointed."
이어 장가현은 T 성향이 강해지게 된 계기로 생활고와 부모님의 불화와 이혼 등에 우울했던 어린 시절을 언급했다.Jang Ga-hyun then mentioned her childhood when she was depressed by difficulties in living and her parents' discord and divorce as an opportunity for T's tendency to become stronger. "부모님이 자주 다투는 걸 보고 자라 동생들을 대신 챙겨야 했다."I grew up watching my parents argue so often that I had to take care of my younger siblings. 심지어 엄마랑 아빠의 불륜 현장을 찾으러 같이 간 적도 있다"고 밝힌 장가현은 "결국 이혼 후 아버지가 재혼했는데, 화가 난 어머니가 저희를 아빠한테 그냥 보냈다.Jang Ga-hyun, who even said, "I went with my mom and dad to find the scene of their affair," said, "After the divorce, my father remarried, but my angry mother just sent us to my father." 엄마한테 버림받고 도착하니 새엄마도 우릴 싫어했다"고 회상했다.When I arrived after being abandoned by my mother, my stepmother hated us, too.
또 이혼 전 쇼핑몰을 크게 열었다가 파산한 아픔도 털어놨다.He also confessed his pain of going bankrupt after opening a shopping mall before divorce. "이혼 전, 등떠밀려 쇼핑몰 사업을 시작했는데 처음엔 너무 잘돼 사업이 커졌는데 실패했다."Before my divorce, I was pushed into the shopping mall business, but at first it was so successful that the business grew, but it failed. 파산해도 세금이 1억원 가깝게 남아 고생했다"고 밝혔다.Even if I went bankrupt, I suffered because taxes remained close to 100 million won."
이어 "그거 갚으랴, 파산 신청하러 법원 가는 것도 스트레스였다."It was stressful to go to court to pay it back and file for bankruptcy. 갱년기도 빨리 오고 43세에 생리가 끊겼다"고 말한 장가현은 결국 공황장애와 우울증 진단을 받았다고 밝혀 안쓰러움을 자아냈다.Jang Ga-hyun, who said, "The menopause came early and my period ended at the age of 43," said, adding, "I was eventually diagnosed with panic disorder and depression, which caused pity."
한편 장가현은 지난해 TV조선 '우리 이혼했어요2'에 조성민과 출연했으나, 재결합에 이르지는 못했다.Meanwhile, Jang Ga-hyun appeared with Cho Sung-min on TV Chosun's We Divorced 2 last year, but failed to reunite.
사진 출처=채널SSource of photo = Channel S
사진 출처=채널SSource of photo = Channel S