'프로포폴 투약→ 강제추행 법정구속'…"Propofol administration → Forced harassment statutory detention"... 사회면 장식한 스타들social stars

배우 유아인의 프로포폴 투약 혐의부터 배우 송덕호의 병역 비리 기소, 그룹 B.A.P 출신 김힘찬의 법정구속 소식 등 사회면을 방불케하는 사건이 연이어 발생했다.There have been a series of incidents reminiscent of social aspects, from actor Yoo Ah-in's alleged propofol administration, actor Song Deok-ho's prosecution of military service corruption, and news of the court arrest of Kim Him-chan, a former member of the group B.A.P. 사진은 유아인, 송덕호, 김힘찬 (왼쪽부터) /사진=임한별 기자, 뉴스1, 장동규 기자Photo by Yoo Ah-in, Song Deok-ho, Kim Him-chan (from left) / Photo = Reporter Lim Han-byul, News 1, Reporter Jang Dong-kyu 배우 유아인의 프로포폴 투약 혐의부터 그룹 B.A.P 출신 김힘찬의 법정구속, 배우 송덕호의 병역비리 기소 소식 등이 연예계 소식이 사회면을 장식하고 있다.News from actor Yoo Ah-in's alleged propofol administration, Kim Him-chan's legal arrest from the group B.A.P, and actor Song Deok-ho's indictment of military service corruption are taking place in the entertainment world.

지난 9일 서울경찰청 마약범죄수사대가 마약류관리법 위반 혐의로 배우 유아인을 소환조사했다는 사실이 알려졌다.On the 9th, it was reported that the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's drug crime investigation team summoned actor Yoo Ah-in on charges of violating the Drug Management Act. 경찰청에 따르면 식품의약안전처는 유아인의 프로포폴 처방 빈도가 지나치게 잦다며 경찰에 수사를 의뢰했다.According to the National Police Agency, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety asked the police to investigate the frequency of propofol prescriptions by infants. 이에 서울경찰청 마약범죄수사대는 지난 5일 인천국제공항으로 입국한 유아인을 상대로 신체 압수수색을 벌인 뒤 임의동행해 조사를 진행했다.In response, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's drug crime investigation team conducted a physical seizure and search of Yoo Ah-in, who entered Incheon International Airport on the 5th, followed by a voluntary investigation. 경찰은 체모 등을 확보해 국립과학수사연구원(국과수)에 감정을 의뢰하고 출국 금지 조치를 함께 내렸다.The police secured body hair, asked the National Forensic Service (National Forensic Service) to evaluate it, and imposed a ban on leaving the country.

같은날 배우 송덕호는 '허위 뇌전증'으로 병역 면탈한 혐의로 불구속기소됐다.On the same day, actor Song Deok-ho was indicted without detention on charges of evading military service due to "false epilepsy." 서울남부지검 형사5부(박은혜 부장검사)는 프로배구선수 조재성은 물론 송덕호 등 병역 면탈자 42명과 공범으로 범죄에 가담한 가족·지인 5명 등 총 47명을 병역법 위반과 위계공무집행방해 혐의로 불구속기소했다.The Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office indicted a total of 47 people, including 42 evaders, including professional volleyball player Cho Jae-sung, Song Deok-ho, and five family members and acquaintances who committed crimes as accomplices, on charges of violating the Military Service Act and obstructing the execution of hierarchical duties. 병역면탈자들은 병역 브로커 구모씨에게 300만~6000만원을 지급하고 뇌전증 시나리오를 받아 허위진단서를 발급받고 병역을 감면받은 혐의를 받는다.Those exempted from military service are accused of paying 3 million won to 60 million won to Koo, a military service broker, receiving a false medical certificate after receiving an epilepsy scenario, and receiving a reduction in military service.

'강제 추행' 혐의를 받는 아이돌그룹 B.A.P 출신 김힘찬도 같은날 항소심에서 실형을 선고 받고 법정구속됐다.Kim Him-chan, a former member of the idol group B.A.P, who is suspected of "forced harassment," was also sentenced to prison by an appeals court on the same day and was arrested in court. 서울중앙지법 형사항소1-2부는 강제추행 혐의를 받는 힘찬에게 징역 10개월, 40시간의 성폭력 치료 프로그램 이수 명령을 내렸다.The Seoul Central District Court's Criminal Appeals Division 1-2 ordered Himchan, who is suspected of forced harassment, to complete a 10-month prison term and a 40-hour sexual violence treatment program. 1심과 같은 판단이지만 1심과 달리 김힘찬이 도주할 우려가 있다고 보고 법정구속했다.It is the same judgment as the first trial, but unlike the first trial, Kim Him-chan was arrested in court, believing that there was a risk of escape. 앞서 김힘찬은 지난 2018년 7월 경기 남양주 소재의 한 펜션에서 20대 여성을 강제 추행한 혐의로 기소됐다.Earlier in July 2018, Kim Him-chan was indicted on charges of forcibly molesting a woman in her 20s at a pension in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do. 1심에서 징역 10개월을 선고 받았지만 김힘찬은 이에 불복해 항소했다.He was sentenced to 10 months in prison in the first trial, but Kim Him-chan appealed against this.

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