하하 "알코올 사용 장애 초기 인정…Haha "Initial recognition of alcohol use disorder..."가정에 문제 생긴다" ('결혼지옥')[종합]Family problems" (Marriage hell)"[Overall]

[스포츠조선닷컴 이우주 기자] '결혼지옥' 하하가 알코올 사용 장애 초기 임을 인정했다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Lee Woo-joo] "Marriage hell" Haha admitted that he was in the early stages of alcohol use disorder.

27일 방송된 MBC '오은영 리포트2-결혼지옥'에서는 '언제까지 술이 들어가나, 술래부부' 편이 방송됐다.On MBC's "Oh Eun-young Report 2-Marriage Hell," which aired on the 27th, the episode of "Until when will alcohol go in, the tagger couple." 결혼 25년차인 이 부부.The couple, who have been married for 25 years. 아내는 "이번 상담을 통해 뭘 얻고 싶냐"는 질문에 "그냥 이혼하고 싶다.When asked, "What do you want to get through this consultation?" his wife said, "I just want to get divorced." 그걸 꿈꾸고 살았던 거 같다"고 말해 모두를 놀라게 했다.I think I've been dreaming about it," he surprised everyone.

아내는 "남편이 진짜 술을 좋아한다.My wife said, "My husband really likes to drink.딱 한 잔 들어가면 그 가게 술이 떨어질 때까지 마신다I'll drink until I run out of alcohol at the store.

고 했고 남편은 "20병 가까이 마신다"고 밝혀 모두를 놀라게 했다.My husband surprised everyone by saying, "I drink nearly 20 bottles."

심지어 아내는 갑상선 림프절 전이암 진단을 받았다.Even his wife was diagnosed with thyroid lymph node metastatic cancer. 아내는 "수술하고 열흘 뒤에 결과를 들으러 갔는데 '수술은 잘 됐는데' 하는데 가슴이 철렁하더라.My wife said, "I went to hear the results 10 days after the surgery, and I was surprised when I said, 'The surgery went well.' '뭐가 있구나' 싶었다.I thought, "There's something there." 폐에도 뭐가 보인다더라.He said he could see something in his lungs. 거기서 가슴이 무너졌다"고 떠올렸다.That's where my heart broke."

아내는 딸을 위해서라도 남편이 술을 끊길 원했지만 남편은 아내의 말을 듣지 않았다.The wife wanted her husband to stop drinking for her daughter, but the husband wouldn't listen to her. 오히려 남편은 지인과의 술자리 약속을 잡고 기분 좋아했다.Rather, my husband was happy to make an appointment with an acquaintance for a drink.

아내는 "신혼 때 저를 빼돌리고 2차, 3차까지 먹어서 애를 데리고 찾으러 다니고 그랬다.My wife said, "When I got married, she stole me and ate until the second and third rounds, so I took her to find her. 한 번은 아침이었나 전화가 왔다.One morning, I got a phone call. 집단 폭행 당해서 병원에 입원했다더라.I heard you were hospitalized after being assaulted. 크고 작은 사고들을 너무 쳐서 남편 입에 술 들어가는 게 너무 싫다.I hate drinking alcohol in my husband's mouth because I've made so many big and small accidents. 질렸다"고 남편의 술 문제를 폭로했다.I'm sick and tired of my husband's drinking problems."

이뿐만이 아니었다.This was not the only thing. 남편은 과거 외도 문제까지 일으켰다.My husband even had problems with extramarital affairs in the past. 아내는 "시누이가 돈이 필요하다더라.My wife said, "My sister-in-law said she needed money. 남편 퇴직금으로 될 거 같아서 동의를 구했다.I thought my husband's severance pay would work, so I asked for his consent. 근데 딱 60만 원을 가져왔다.But I brought exactly 600,000 won. 심증 뿐이었는데 꼬리가 기니까 잡히더라"라고 밝혔다.It was just a testament, but I was caught because I had a long tail." 이에 남편은 "퇴직금이 1600만 원이 아니라 400만 원이었다"면서도 "잠깐 만나본 것"이라 외도를 인정했다.In response, the husband admitted to the affair, saying, "The retirement allowance was 4 million won, not 16 million won," but "I met him briefly."

이에 대해 오은영은 "요즘에는 알코올 중독이라는 표현 보다는 알코올 사용 장애라고 한다"며 "남편 분은 습관성 음주다.In response, Oh Eun-young said, "These days, alcohol use disorder rather than alcohol addiction," adding, "My husband is habitual drinking." 생활 속에 습관이 되어버렸다.It has become a habit in my life. 이게 훨씬 더 끊기 어렵다"고 밝혔다.This is much more difficult to cut off."

이에 남편과 패널들은 '알코올 사용 장애 자가 진단'을 해보기로 했다.In response, the husband and the panel decided to "self-diagnose alcohol use disorders." 하하는 "창피해서 이름 안 적겠다"며 자가 진단을 시작했다.Ha-ha started self-diagnosis, saying, "I will not write my name because I am embarrassed." 11개 중 6개 항목에 체크를 했다는 하하는 "'술을 반복적으로 마셔서 학교, 가정 등에서 문제가 발생한다'에 체크했다.Ha Ha-ha, who checked 6 out of 11 items, checked that "there are problems at school and at home because I drink repeatedly." 그저께도 한 번 혼났다.I was scolded once the day before yesterday. (별이) 그만 마시라고 할 때 그만 마셨어야지 라더라"라고 솔직하게 인정했다.(Byul) I should have stopped drinking when she told me to stop drinking."

오은영은 11개 항목 중 2개 이상이면 의심 단계라고 말했고 놀란 하하는 "난 빼박이다.Oh Eun-young said more than two out of 11 items are suspicious, and Ha-ha, who was surprised, said, "I'm sure. 나 초기 증상이 있다"고 토로했다.I have early symptoms." 이에 김응수는 "중기 정도는 된다.Accordingly, Kim Eung-soo said, "It's about the middle stage. 6개나 해당되지 않냐"고 정정했다.Isn't that the case with six?"

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