'13남매 장녀' 남보라 "여섯째 동생 경계성 발달장애 판정...Nam Bo-ra of "13 Siblings and Eldest Daughters" said, "The sixth brother is diagnosed with borderline developmental disorder..."장애 등급 신청" ('인생극장')"Application for disability rating" (Life Theater)

[스포츠조선 조윤선 기자] 배우 남보라가 여섯째 동생이 발달장애 판정을 받았다고 밝혔다.[Sports Chosun reporter Cho Yoon-sun] Actor Nam Bo-ra revealed that her sixth brother was diagnosed with developmental disability.

1일 남보라의 유튜브 채널 '남보라의 인생극장'에는 '국내 최초(?) 유튜브 재데뷔합니다'라는 제목의 영상이 게재됐다.On the 1st, Nam Bo-ra's YouTube channel "Nam Bo-ra's Life Theater" posted a video titled "We are making a re-debut on YouTube for the first time in Korea."

남보라는 "다시 유튜브를 시작해보려고 한다.Nam Bo-ra said, "I'm going to start YouTube again. 원래 시작했다가 편집 영역은 내 영역이 아니라는 걸 느끼고 손 뗐다가 본격적으로 해보려고 카메라도 샀고, 정말 센스있는 편집자님도 만났다"며 유튜브 활동 재개를 알렸다.I originally started it, but I felt that the editing area was not my area, so I quit and bought a camera to do it in earnest, and I also met a really sensible editor," he said, announcing the resumption of YouTube activities. 현재 사업가로도 활동 중인 남보라는 가장 먼저 쇼핑몰 업무를 시작했다.Nam Bo-ra, who is currently working as a businessman, was the first to start shopping mall business. 그는 "열심히 해야 하는데 사실은 이사도 있었고, 방송 촬영도 있었고, 조금 바쁘다 보니까 일을 좀 소홀히 하게 되더라.He said, "I have to work hard, but I actually had to move, shoot broadcasts, and I was a little busy, so I was a little negligent in my work. 2023년 토끼해.2023 is the Year of the Rabbit. 토끼처럼 팔짝 뛰어서 텐션 좀 올려봐야겠다"며 각오를 다졌다.I'm going to jump like a rabbit to raise my tension."

이어 남보라는 "올 한 해 동안 가계부를 써보려고 한다.Nam Bo-ra then said, "I'm going to write a household account book this year. 근데 밤사이에 은행 이자가 나갔다.But overnight, the bank's interest went out. 자고 있는 사이 나가서 언짢다"며 통장 잔액을 보고 한숨을 쉬었다.I went out while I was sleeping, and I was upset," he sighed when he saw the balance of his bank account. 그러면서 "정산받은 지 4일밖에 안 지났는데 통장이 지난달 말일과 비슷해졌다."It's only been four days since I received the settlement, but my bank account has become similar to the last day of last month. 열심히 일했는데 왜 또 이렇지.I worked hard, but what's wrong with you? 나만 이런 거 아니죠"라며 "그래도 확실히 (가계부를) 적으니까 돈이 얼마나 나가고 얼마나 썼는지 알 수 있어서 꼭 써야 되는 거 같다"며 가계부 작성을 추천했다.I'm not the only one like this, he said. "But I think I have to write a household account because I can tell how much money it cost and how much I spent."

한편 남보라는 여섯째 동생이 발달장애 판정을 받았다고 고백해 눈길을 끌었다.Meanwhile, Nam Bo-ra drew attention by confessing that her sixth brother had been diagnosed with developmental disability. 그는 "동생 휘호가 발달 장애를 갖고 있는데 경계성이라서 장애등급을 못 받았다.He said, "My younger brother Hwi-ho has a developmental disability, but he did not get a disability grade because he was wary. 경계성에 있는 친구들이 장애 등급 받는 게 진짜 어렵다고 하더라.I heard it's really hard for friends on alert to get disability grades. 그래서 두세 달 동안 여기저기 병원 다니면서 진짜 장애가 있다는 걸 증명하기 위한 검사를 했고, 어제 그 검사 결과지가 나왔는데 장애가 있다는 판정을 받아서 장애 등급 신청하러 갈 거다"라고 밝혔다."So I went to hospitals for two or three months to conduct tests to prove that I have a real disability, and the test result came out yesterday, and I was determined to have a disability, so I'm going to apply for a disability rating."

이후 동생과 병원을 찾은 남보라는 "동생이 격주에 한 번씩 상담 치료를 진행하는데 데려다주러 왔다"고 말했다.Nam Bo-ra, who later visited the hospital with her younger brother, said, "My younger brother came to take me to conduct counseling treatment every other week." 동생의 컨디션을 살피던 남보라는 "병원 다니고 나서 어떠냐"고 물었고, 동생은 "오히려 좋다.Nam Bo-ra, who was looking at her younger brother's condition, asked, "How are you after going to the hospital?" and the younger brother said, "It's rather good." 많이 좋아졌다.Much better. 잠도 잘 온다.It's easy to sleep well. 속 시원해졌다"고 답했다.I feel better now."

남보라는 동생이 진료를 다 마칠 때까지 기다렸다가 집에 데려다주면서 "휘호가 병원 다니면서 확실히 많이 좋아져서 병원을 찾은 보람이 있다"고 전했다.Nam Bo-ra waited until her brother finished his medical treatment and took her home, saying, "Hwi-ho definitely got a lot better while going to the hospital, so it was worth visiting."

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