‘손예진♥’ 현빈 “子 외모 엄마 아빠 섞여 있어, 최종 목적지 궁금”(연중)[결정적장면]"Son Ye-jin ♥" Hyun Bin" "Kids' appearance, mother and father are mixed, so I'm curious about the final destination" (Yearly Middle School) [Critical Scene]

[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 배우 현빈이 2세에 대해 언급했다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Actor Hyun Bin mentioned the second generation.

1월 5일 방송된 KBS 2TV 예능 '연중 플러스' 114회에서는 영화 '교섭'(감독 임순례)의 배우 황정민, 현빈, 강기영이 인터뷰에 응했다.In the 114th episode of KBS 2TV's entertainment show "Yonsei Plus," which aired on January 5, actors Hwang Jung-min, Hyun Bin, and Kang Ki-young of the movie "Negotiation" (Director Lim Soon-rye) responded to the interview.

이날 현빈은 기쁜 소식을 직접 소개해달라는 말에 "'공조2'가 참 잘됐다"고 답해 박수를 받았다.On the same day, Hyun Bin was applauded for answering, "The cooperation 2 was very good," when he was asked to introduce the good news in personally.

하지만 현빈에겐 그것보다 기쁜 일이 있는 바.However, Hyun Bin has something more joyful than that. 배우 손예진과 지난해 결혼, 8개월 만인 11월 27일 아들을 얻은 현빈은 "제 개인적으로 좋은 일이 생겨서 그걸 말씀하시는 것 같은데 아기가 생겼다"고 자랑했다.Hyun Bin, who got married to actor Son Ye-jin last year and got a son on November 27, eight months later, boasted, "I think you're talking about that because something good happened to me personally, but I have a baby."

이어 아이의 얼굴이 엄마, 아빠 중 누굴 더 닮았냐는 질문에 "글쎄요. 아직은 잘 모르겠다.When asked whose face the child looks more like, "Well, I don't know yet." 섞여 있는 것 같기도 하고.I think it's mixed. 주변 얘기를 들어보니 아이 얼굴은 굉장히 많이 바뀐다고 하더라"면서 "나중에 최종 목적지가 어딘지 궁금하다"고 본인 역시 기대하고 있는 사실을 전해 눈길을 끌었다.I heard that the child's face changes a lot, he said. "I'm curious about where the final destination is later," drawing attention by telling him that he was also looking forward to it. (사진=KBS 2TV '연중 플러스' 캡처)(Photo = Capture of KBS 2TV's "Yearly Year Plus")
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