화제된 '박수홍♥김다예 결혼식 청첩장' 숨은 일등공신=최성국 ('조선의 사랑꾼')Park Soo-hong ♥ Kim Da-ye wedding invitation, hidden top contributor = Choi Sung-guk (Chosun's lover)

[스포츠조선닷컴 김수현기자] 박수홍 김다예 부부가 결혼식 비하인드를 밝혔다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Kim Soo-hyun] Park Soo-hong and Kim Da-ye revealed behind the wedding.

날것 같은 '결혼'의 전 과정을 보여주는 TV CHOSUN 순도 100% 리얼 다큐예능 '조선의 사랑꾼'에서 박수홍&김다예 부부 청첩장의 깜짝 놀랄 비하인드 스토리가 공개된다.The surprising behind-the-scenes story of the wedding invitation of Park Soo-hong and Kim Da-ye will be revealed on TV CHOSUN's 100% real documentary entertainment show "Joseon's Lovers," which shows the entire process of raw "marriage." 최근 대중에게도 공개됐던 두 사람의 청첩장 탄생 과정에서 뜻밖의 '일등공신'은 바로 최성국이었다.Choi Sung-guk was the unexpected "first contributor" in the process of the birth of the two invitations, which had recently been released to the public. 2일 방송될 '조선의 사랑꾼' 2회에서는 결혼식을 앞두고 청첩장 만들기에 나선 김다예의 모습이 공개된다.In the second episode of "Joseon's Lovers," which will air on the 2nd, Kim Da-ye, who started making wedding invitations ahead of the wedding, will be revealed. '이과생' 출신의 김다예는 "저는 정말 작문이 안 된다"며 청첩장에 들어갈 문구를 두고 고민했다.Kim Da-ye, a former "science student," said, "I really can't write," and agonized over the phrase to enter the invitation. 결국 김다예는 박수홍에게 SOS를 청했고, 박수홍과 김다예의 진심이 담긴 청첩장 문구가 탄생하게 됐다.In the end, Kim Da-ye asked Park Soo-hong for SOS, and Park Soo-hong and Kim Da-ye's sincere invitation phrase was born. 어려움을 해결해 준 남편 박수홍에게 김다예는 또 한 번 '반해버린' 모습으로 '사랑꾼즈' MC들의 입을 귀에 걸리게 만들었다.To her husband Park Soo-hong, who solved the difficulties, Kim Da-ye once again made the mouths of the "lovers" MCs ring in her "fell in love."

그러나 문구 결정만으로 끝이 아니었다.However, it was not the end of the sentence decision-making was it? 김다예는 수많은 청첩장 업체와 종류를 두고 "뭐가 다른지 구분이 안 가요"라며 혼란스러워했고, '결혼 선배' 오나미는 "나도 그랬었는데..."라며 공감했다.Kim Da-ye was confused about the types of wedding invitation companies and numerous wedding invitation companies, saying, "I can't tell what's different," and Onami, the "marriage senior," agreed, "I used to be like that..." 최성국 역시 "저도 한 300개 본 것 같다"고 길고 길었던 청첩장 선택 과정을 돌아봤다.Choi Sung-guk also looked back on the long and long process of choosing invitations, saying, "I think I saw about 300."

이렇게 청첩장 고르기에 고심 중이던 김다예에게 '조선의 사랑꾼' 제작진을 통해 청첩장 샘플이 가득 담긴 쇼핑백이 전달됐다.A shopping bag full of wedding invitation samples was delivered to Kim Da-ye, who was struggling to choose the wedding invitation card, through the production team of "Joseon's Lovers." 이 VCR을 보던 최성국은 "저거 내가 준 건데?"라며 "내가 고른 다음에 결혼을 앞둔 작가에게 넘겼는데, 돌고 돌아 수홍이네 갔구나"라고 화들짝 놀랐다.Choi Sung-guk, who was watching this VCR, was surprised, saying, "I gave that to you!" and, "After I chose it, I handed it over to the writer who was about to get married, but he turned around and went to Soo-hong's house."

이에 박수홍은 "1대 사랑꾼으로서 큰 역할을 했다"며 최성국에게 고마워했지만, 최성국은 "사실 다 준 건 아니고, 내가 뽑은 후보가 10개 있었는데 그것만 빼고 줬어..."라고 답했다.In response, Park Soo-hong thanked Choi Sung-guk, saying, "He played a big role as the first lover," but Choi Sung-guk replied, "In fact, I didn't give all of them, but I gave them except for that." 이에 박수홍은 "뭐라고?Park Soo-hong said, "What? 그럼 그것도 줘"라며 정색해 폭소를 자아냈다.Then give me that, too," he said with a serious look, drawing laughter.

축복 속에 부부가 된 박수홍&김다Park Su-hong and Kim Da became husband and wife in the blessing.예의 리얼 결혼식 뒷얘기는 1월 2일(월) 밤 10시 TV CHOSUN에서 방송되는 월요일 밤의 다큐예능 '조선의 사랑꾼'에서 공개된다.The behind-the-scenes story of the real wedding will be revealed on Monday night's documentary entertainment show "Joseon's Lovers," which airs on TV CHOSUN at 10 p.m. on January 2 (Mon).

한편 박수홍은 지난해 7월 23세 연하 김다예와 혼인신고를 하며 법적 부부가 됐으며 지난 23일 결혼식을 올렸다.Meanwhile, Park Soo-hong became a legal couple in July last year by registering her marriage with Kim Da-ye, 23 years younger than her, and held a wedding ceremony on the 23rd.

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