신동, 몸무게 108.5kg…ShinDong weighs 108.5kg...슈퍼주니어, 전원 키 공개 (미우새)[종합]SUPER JUNIOR, reveal everyone's keys (my bird) [Overall]

(엑스포츠뉴스 이이진 기자) 슈퍼주니어 신동의 몸무게가 공개됐다.(Exports News reporter Lee Yi-jin) Super Junior Shindong's weight has been revealed.

1일 방송된 SBS '미운 우리 새끼'(이하 '미우새')에서는 슈퍼주니어가 연말을 맞아 단합대회를 갖는 장면이 전파를 탔다.On SBS's "My Little Old Boy" (hereinafter referred to as "My Little Old Boy"), which aired on the 1st, Super Junior held a pep rally at the end of the year.

이날 신동은 "그래도 우리가 연말 이렇게 보낼 수 없어서 회사에 얘기해서 이걸 받아왔다.On this day, Shindong said, "But we couldn't spend the end of the year like this, so we talked to the company and received this. 금일봉"이라며 밝혔고, 100만 원 상당의 금일봉을 받았다는 사실이 밝혀졌다.Geumilbong," he said, and it was revealed that he received Geumilbong worth 1 million won.

이특은 세배를 하는 척했고, 신동은 "특이는 올해도 잘했고 내년에도 꼭 잘하길 바란다"라며 상황극을 연출했다.Leeteuk pretended to bow, and Shindong directed a situational play, saying, "Leeteuk did well this year and I hope he does well next year."

신동은 "내가 MC 할 테니까 우리 83라인 (이특, 김희철) 둘이서 가위바위보 해서 한 명씩 뽑아라.SHINDONG said, "I'll be the MC, so the 83 line (LeeTeuk, Heechul Kim) play rock paper scissors and pick one each." 4 대 4 대결 한번 하자.Let's have a four-to-four match. 몰아주기 하자"라며 제안했고, 멤버들은 흔쾌히 승낙했다.Let's give them all away," the members readily agreed.

신동은 "지금부터 게임을 진행할 거다.Shindong said, "We're going to play the game from now on. 우리 슈퍼주니어가 잘하는 게 여러 가지가 있다.There are many things that Super Junior is good at. 희철 씨 때문에 유명해진 거다.He became famous because of Heechul. 1초 듣고 노래 맞히기 잘하지 않냐.Aren't you good at guessing a song after listening to it for a second? 그래서 새로운 게임을 준비했다.So I prepared a new game. 1초 안무 보고 알아맞히기"라며 기대를 높였다.Guess the choreography in one second," he raised expectations are high. 이특 팀(이특, 동해, 은혁, 려욱)과 희철 팀(김희철, 예성 최시원, 규현)으로 나뉘었다.It was divided into Leeteuk team (LeeTeuk, Donghae, EunHyuk, and Ryeowook) and HeeChul team ( Heechul Kim, Yesung, Choi Siwon, and KyuHyun). 신동은 "(문제는) 제가 직접 내겠다.Shin Dong said, "I'll pay for it myself. 슈퍼주니어 걸로 낼 거다"라며 말했고, 이특 팀 멤버들은 재미없다며 만류했다.I'm going to pay for Super Junior," and the members of Leeteuk's team dissuaded him, saying it was not fun.

규현은 "슈주 걸로 해라"라며 못박았고, 예성은 "여기 셋은 슈주 거 아니면 아예 모른다"라며 맞장구쳤다.Kyu-hyun nailed it, saying, "Make it Super Junior's," and Yesung replied, "The three of us don't know anything unless it's Super Junior's." 그러나 슈퍼주니어 안무를 냈음에도 포지션이 댄스인 은혁의 활약으로 이특 팀이 3 대 1로 승리했다.However, despite Super Junior's choreography, Leeteuk's team won 3-1 thanks to Eun-hyuk's performance, whose position is dance.

또 신동은 장기 컬링을 준비했고, 게임판에는 다양한 벌칙이 적혀 있었다.In addition, Shindong prepared long-term curling, and various penalties were written on the game board. 김희철은 벌칙에 당첨돼 신동에게 엉덩이를 맞았고, "바지가 너무 얇다.Heechul Kim won the penalty and was hit by Shindong's butt, saying, "Your pants are too thin. 여름 바지다"라며 고통을 호소했다.It's summer pants," he said.

동해가 걸린 벌칙은 '동해 핸드폰에 저장된 멤버들 흑역사 영상 1개 공개하기'였고, 은혁은 "제일 위험한 폰이다"라며 걱정했다.Donghae's penalty was to release one embarrassing video of the members stored in Donghae's cell phone, and Eun-hyuk was worried, saying, "It's the most dangerous phone." 신동은 동해의 핸드폰을 확인했고, "즐겨찾기를 300개 해놨다"라며 깜짝 놀랐다.Shindong checked Donghae's cell phone and was surprised, saying, "I've made 300 favorites." 결국 신동의 사진이 공개돼 웃음을 자아냈다.Eventually, Shindong's photo was released, drawing laughter.

려욱이 걸린 벌칙은 '이특, 은혁 양말 바꿔 신기'였고, 이특은 "기억나냐.The penalty for Ryeowook was "Switching Leeteuk and Eunhyuk's socks," and Leeteuk said, "Do you remember? 예전에 은혁이가 연습 끝나고 숙소 들어오면 발자국 남고 냄새 엄청 났다"라며 과거를 회상했다.In the past, when Eunhyuk came into the accommodation after practice, he left footprints and smelled a lot," he recalled the past. 려욱은 발 냄새를 맞히겠다고 나섰고, 양말 냄새를 맡자마자 경악했다.Ryeowook said he would guess the smell of his feet, and as soon as he smelled his socks, he was shocked.

그뿐만 아니라 신동은 체중계에 올라가 몸무게를 쟀고, 그의 몸무게는 108.5kg이었다.In addition, Shindong weighed himself on the scale and weighed himself at 108.5 kg. 멤버들은 벌칙 때문에 키를 쟀고, 최시원은 183cm, 규현은 178cm, 예성은 175cm, 김희철은 174.8cm, 은혁은 172cm로 측정됐다.The members measured their height because of the penalty, while Choi Si-won was 183cm, Kyu-hyun 178cm, Yesung 175cm, Heechul Kim 174.8cm, and Eun-hyuk 172cm. 은혁은 네이버 프로필에 등록된 키와 실제 키가 달랐고, "내가 한의원 가서 쟀을 때 그렇게 안 나왔다"라며 어쩔 줄 몰라 했다.Eun-hyuk said that the actual height was different from the height registered on Naver's profile, and he was at a loss, saying, "It didn't come out like that when I measured it at the oriental medicine clinic."  

이어 이특은 171.8cm, 동해는 169cm, 려욱은 165cm로 측정됐다.Leeteuk was 171.8 centimeters tall, Donghae 169 centimeters tall, and Ryeowook 165 centimeters tall.

사진 = SBS 방송 화면 Photo = SBS broadcast screen
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