배우 양동근, 사진제공|왓챠Actor Yang Dong-geun provides photos.
배우 양동근의 삶을 제대로 살린 건 아내와 아이들이다.It was his wife and children who saved the life of actor Yang Dong-geun. 붕 떠있는 그를 땅으로 끌어내려 비로소 소통의 방법을 터득하게 했다.It was not until he was pulled to the ground that he learned how to communicate. 그가 가리지 않고 여러 작품에 출연하는 이유기도 하다.This is also the reason why he appears in various works regardless.
“어릴 땐 다작을 하는 선배들에게 늘 물음표였는데 아이를 낳아보니 다 살려고 하는 거였더라고요."When I was a child, I always questioned my seniors who were prolific, but when I gave birth to children, they were all trying to live. 요즘 정말 일을 많이 하고 있는데요.I've been working a lot lately. 애들이 셋이라 교육비가 너무 많이 들어가거든요.There are three children, so the cost of education is too high. 하하. 일을 열심히 해야합니다.Haha. I have to work hard. 제 삶의 전성기마냥 일이 많이 와서 감사하지만 쉬고 싶고 애들이랑 놀고 싶어서 힘들어요.”I'm grateful that so many things have come as if it were the heyday of my life, but it's hard because I want to rest and play with my kids."
양동근은 최근 스포츠경향과 인터뷰에서 OTT플랫폼 왓챠 새 시리즈 ‘사막의 왕’을 촬영한 소감과 가족에 대한 애정, 젊은 시절에 대한 소회 등 다양한 이야기를 꺼내놨다.In a recent interview with Sports Trends, Yang Dong-geun brought up various stories, including his thoughts on filming the OTT platform Watcha new series "King of the Desert," his affection for his family, and his thoughts on his youth.

배우 양동근, 사진제공|왓챠Actor Yang Dong-geun provides photos.
[다음은 양동근과 일문일답][Question and answer with Yang Donggeun]
Q. 김보통 작가와 처음 협업했는데 어떠셨나요?Q. It was your first time collaborating with writer Kim Jung-daeng. How was it?
A. 김보통 작가 보통이 아니구나를 느꼈어요.A. I felt that Kim is not an ordinary writer. 캐릭터를 다루는 대사나 감정선이 다 거기서 거기라서 드라마나 영화를 잘 안 보는 편인데요.I don't really watch dramas or movies because the lines and emotions that deal with the characters are all the same. 김보통 작가의 접근은 보통이 아닙니다.Kim Sang-joong's approach is extraordinary. 미쟝센도 그렇고요.The same goes for Mise-en-sc 미 이미 넷플릭스 ‘D.P.’로 확인된 바 있는 작가의 작품이라서 더욱 믿음이 갔죠.It was more reliable because it was a work by a writer who had already been confirmed as Netflix's "D.P." 실제로도 눈빛은 서글서글하고 점잖은데, 가슴 속에 예리하게 갈린 사시미 칼 같은 걸 품고 있는 것 같아요.In fact, his eyes are sad and gentle, but he seems to have a sharp-grained sword in his heart. 날카로우면서도 부드러운 글이 나올 수 있는 거죠.You can write sharp yet soft sentences. Q. ‘사막의 왕’을 보고 울었다면서요?Q. I heard you cried when you watched "King of the Desert"?
A. 네. ‘네멋대로 해라’ 이후 처음으로요.A. Yes. For the first time since "Do as you please." 거의 20년만에 운 것 같아요.It's been almost 20 years since I cried. 반신욕하면서 즐겁게 감상하다가 욕실에서 혼자 울었는데요.I cried alone in the bathroom while enjoying the bath. 촬영 전 대본만 봐도 울컥울컥한 대사들이 있었는데, 직접 영상으로 보니 정말 툭 튀어나오더라고요.There were lines that made me emotional just looking at the script before the shoot, but when I saw the video in person, it really popped out. 저도 일하느라 애들과 못 놀아주는 미안함이 있는데, 작가가 그 부분을 콕 집어서 팍 보여주니 울 수밖에요.I feel sorry that I can't play with my children because I'm working, but I can't help but cry when the writer picks up that part and shows it to me.

배우 양동근, 사진제공|왓챠Actor Yang Dong-geun provides photos.
Q. 실제로도 아이를 키우면서 어떤 걸 많이 느끼나요?Q. What do you feel when you raise a child?
A. 아이들은 하늘이 준 선물 같은 존재예요.A. Children are like gifts from heaven. 사실 저와 아내는 그런 선물을 받을 준비가 되어 있지 않았음에도 불구하고 받았던 것 같아요.In fact, I think my wife and I were not prepared to receive such a gift, but we did. 그래서 미안하기도 하고요.That's why I'm sorry. 부모란 자리는 열심히 해야하는 자리이기도 하지만 미안함도 많이 느끼게 합니다.Parents are places where you have to work hard, but they also make you feel sorry a lot. 아이들로부터 계속 배우는 것 같아요.I feel like I'm learning from my children.

배우 양동근, 사진제공|왓챠Actor Yang Dong-geun provides photos.
Q. 아까 잠깐 언급했지만 ‘네멋대로 해라’는 양동근 씨의 인생작이잖아요?Q. As I mentioned briefly earlier, "Do as you please" is Yang Dong-geun's life work, right?
A. 그렇죠. 20년간 내 인생작이었죠.A. That's right. It's been my life's work for 20 years. 당시엔 24살이었고 세상 무서울 것 없는 나이였어요.At that time, I was 24 years old, and I was at an age where there was nothing to be afraid of. 지금은 와이프가 제일 무섭고요.My wife is the scariest right now. 그렇게 달라진 것 같아요.I think it's changed like that. 하하. 그땐 인터뷰를 해도 ‘네, 아니오’ 밖에 대답할 줄 모르는, 대인기피증 혹은 사회성이 결여된 사람이었거든요.Haha. I was a person who only answered "yes or no" in interviews back then. I was either a sociopath or a person who lacked social skills. 연기만 할 줄 알고 여유가 좀 없었던 것 같아요.I only knew how to act, so I didn't think I could afford it. 그러다 결혼을 하고 가족 구성원 안에서 매일 생활하다 보니 소통과 주고받음에 대해 배웠어요.Then I got married and lived in a family member every day, so I learned about communication and exchange. 이 정도로 말이 터지기까지 와이프가 고생했죠.My wife had such a hard time before she started talking.
Q. 혹시 24살로 돌아갈 수 있다면 회귀를 선택하시겠어요?Q. If you could go back to 24 years old, would you choose to return?
A. 절대 안 돌아갈 겁니다.A. I'll never go back. 나이가 한살 두살 먹을 수록 생각이란 걸 하게 되잖아요.The older you get, the more you think. 사람들은 나의 화려한 기억만 얘기하겠지만, 전 나이 들수록 부족한 것만 돌이키게 되더라고요.People will only talk about my fancy memories, but as I get older, I only look back on what I lack. 쥐구멍이 있다면 숨고 싶다고 생각되는 순간이 더 많고요.There are more moments when you want to hide if you have a rat hole. 그리고 지금이 정말 행복해요.And I'm really happy right now. 절대 돌아가고 싶지 않을 정도로요.I don't want to go back at all right?
이다원 기자 Reporter Lee Da Won: