A spike of money a composer © 5 Kits combine news db.
(= 1 News, Seoul, Korea) antaeyeon gimgyubin spike Journalist : a singer-songwriter of money (45, whose real name Kim Min Soo) while injecting methamphetamine is accused of, the police sought an arrest warrant.
Seoul Nowon Police Station, 28, according to police the charge will be applied to an arrest warrant, such as a violation of the Narcotics Control Act.Seoul Northern District Court, 10:30 a.m. former suspect now under interrogation (to issue an arrest warrant) the spike of money will go ahead. 앞서 경찰은 마약 투약 혐의로 체포한 다른 피의자를 조사하던 중 돈 스파이크가 필로폰을 수차례 투약한 정황을 확인했고, 체포영장을 받아 26일 오후 8시쯤 강남의 한 호텔에서 돈 스파이크를 체포했다.Spike's simple money reportedly tested positive for drugs out in the reagent test.In asked for the appraisal of precision in the National Forensic Service police.
Spike is to have money in the field at the time of the police reportedly seized a meth who had 30 g.Trade, to consider a one-time dose was 0.03 g the batch which is approximately 1000.특히 돈스파이크는 지난 4월부터 남녀 지인들과 강남 등 일대를 돌아다니며, 호텔 파티룸을 빌려 수차례 마약을 투약한 것으로 알려졌다.
Spike's news of illegal drugs money converting the image of the YouTube channel 'a spike or gogiri', behind closed doors all of his last 27.In addition, released to the Instagram account, behind closed doors, refused to speak.
Spike's so does the fire as netizens, the news of illegal drugs money.In particular, not a celebrity in the last six years younger than in early June and was Spike, money in your newlywed life to marry, plus the impact of attracting many netizens from.
He also give off sparks in the program who starred.Spike last month, the money on this channel that starred a to 'Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.' in the action decided to delete all in reruns and vod.Spike's own money from broadcast at the time of four completely different personality is a story that you were.Spike's also says "enough to be close to autism in a different way seemed to understand myself I think there is a problem" money.
Meanwhile, the spike of money working on a song with guest artists made her debut as a member, leading position was convicted in 1996 and win recognition.He is a cook, played with many entertainment programs, also universal enteoteineojeogin in and attention.