이경실 "조세호, 어설픈 유재석 흉내 꼴보기싫어..Lee Kyung-sil "Jo Se-ho, I don't want to see you impersonate Yoo Jae-seok."'유퀴즈' 하차해야" 일침('개며느리')[어저께TV]I have to get off "Yu-Quiz" and "Daughter-in-law" [Yesterday's TV]

[OSEN=김나연 기자] '개시어머니' 이경실이 조세호를 향해 [OSEN = Reporter KIM NAYEON] "Gatmaid" Lee Kyungsil is heading to Jo Seho.

8일 방송된 E채널 '개며느리'에는 새롭게 합류한 '개며느리' 김경아의 일상이 공개됐다.On the E-channel "Dog Daughter-in-law," which aired on the 8th, the daily life of newly joined "Dog Daughter-in-law" Kim Kyung-ah was revealed.

이날 방송에서는 지난주에 함께했던 이경실이 또 한번 '개시어머니'로 스튜디오를 찾았다.In the broadcast on this day, Lee Kyung-sil, who was with her last week, once again visited the studio as a "dog mother." 강렬한 호피무늬 원피스를 입고 등장한 이경실은 "내가 사실 지난주 이 옷을 입으려다가 너무 시어머니 같더라.Lee Kyung-sil, who appeared in a strong leopard print dress, said, "I was actually going to wear this last week, but I looked too much like my mother-in-law. 한주 미뤘다"며 "사람들이 개시어머니는 가난할것 같다고 오해하실까봐 불식시키려고 치타 한마리 잡아왔다"고 설명했다.I delayed it by a week," he said adding, "I caught a cheetah to dispel people from misunderstanding that my mother would be poor." 이에 문세윤은 "눈여겨보는 제2의 이경실이 있냐"고 물었고, 이경실은 "중요한건 여긴 없다"며 "요즘 보면 애들이 다 잘한다.In response, Moon Se-yoon asked, "Is there a second Lee Kyung-sil that you pay attention to?" and Lee Kyung-sil said, "There is nothing important here," adding, "These days, all the kids are good at it. 조금 아쉬운게 너무 사람들한테 욕먹는걸 두려워한다.What's a little disappointing is that I'm afraid of being criticized too much. 그래서 오죽하면 무슨 말을 하냐면 모두가 유재석이 되고싶어하는것 같다고 한다.So what I'm saying is that everyone seems to want to be Yoo Jae-seok. 다들 좋은 말만 할려고 한다"고 안타까워했다.Everyone is trying to say only good things."

이를 들은 이수지는 "욕먹는걸 두려워하지 말자"라며 돌연 소파에 드러누웠고, 양세찬은 "이건 너무 건방진거 아니냐"고 지적했다.Hearing this, Lee Soo-ji suddenly lied down on the sofa, saying, "Don't be afraid of being cursed," and Yang Se-chan pointed out, "Isn't this too arrogant?" 그러던 중 이수지의 치맛속이 그대로 노출되는 상황이 발생했고, 때마침 맞은편에 앉아있던 문세윤은 "감독님 두분이랑 나까지 사과해.Meanwhile, Lee Soo-ji's skirt was exposed as it was, and Moon Se-yoon, who was sitting across from her, said, "The two directors and I apologize. 나 고소할거다"라고 역정을 냈다.I'm going to sue you."

그러자 이수지는 "바지 입었다"고 억울해 하며 치마를 들춰 바지를 인증해 출연진들을 당황케 했다.Then, Lee Soo-ji was upset, saying, "I'm wearing pants," and proved her pants by revealing her skirt, embarrassing the cast. 양세찬은 "하지마라"라고 소리치며 "이상한 며느리가 왔다"고 경악을 금치 못했다.Yang Se-chan shouted, "Don't do it," and was astonished, saying, "The strange daughter-in-law is here." 하지만 이경실은 "얼마나 좋냐.But Lee Kyung-sil said, "How nice! 얼마나 자신감있냐.How confident are you? 이러니까 오이밭 며느리가 된거다"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.This is why I became the daughter-in-law of the cucumber field," he said, drawing laughter.

이어 그는 "오죽하면 '유퀴즈' 볼때 처음 봤을때는 유재석하고 조세호의 성격이 보였다.He then said, "It's natural that when I first watched 'You Quiz,' I could see the characteristics of Yoo Jae-seok and Cho Se-ho. 근데 유재석을 어설프게 따라가는것 같아서 꼴보기 싫다"고 돌직구를 날렸다.But I don't want to see Yoo Jae-seok because he seems to be following him half-heartedly." 뿐만아니라 그는 이 과정에서 조세호의 이름을 '조재호'라고 잘못 말해 웃음을 안겼다.In addition, in the process, he mistakenly said Cho Jae-ho's name as Cho Jae-ho, which made him laugh. 양세찬은 카메라를 향해 "조재호씨 열심히해라"고 꾸짖었고, 이경실은 "양배추라고 많이 불러서 그런 것"이라고 해명하기도.Yang Se-chan scolded the camera, saying, "Cho Jae-ho, work hard," and Lee Kyung-sil explained, "It's because I called you cabbage a lot."

문세윤은 "나도 친군데 꼴보기 싫다"고 동조했고, 이경실은 "그래서 조세호가 그 프로그램을 안해야된다고 생각한다"고 강력히 항의했다.Moon Se-yoon agreed, "I'm a friend, but I don't want to see it," and Lee Kyung-sil strongly protested, saying, "So I don't think Cho Se-ho should do the program." 이에 문세윤은 "'유퀴즈' 잘들어.Moon Se-yoon said, "Listen carefully to U Quiz." 살려면 조세호 빼고 이경실 써라.If you want to live, use Lee Kyung-sil except Jo Se-ho. 이경실 쓰면 산다"고 바람잡아 폭소케 했다.If you use Lee Kyung-sil, I'll buy it."

이에 이경실은 "농담으로 한 소리"라며 "그런식으로 자기만의 성격을 갖고 해야한다.In response, Lee Kyung-sil said, "I said it as a joke," adding, "You have to have your own personality in that way. 사람들이 뭐라하는거에 대해 물론 참고는 해야겠지만 그게 법은 아니다"라고 강조했다.Of course, I should refer to what people say, but that's not the law," he stressed. 이를 듣던 김경아는 "특강시간이냐"고 궁금해 했고 이유리는 "코너속의 코너라고 '이경실의 다시살아봅시다'다"라고 말해 웃음을 더했다.Kim Kyung-ah, who was listening to this, wondered, "Is it a special lecture time?" and Lee Yu-ri added laughter by saying, "It's a corner in the corner, so let's live Lee Kyung-sil's life again."


[사진] E채널[PHOTO] E-channel

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