[인터뷰]박지현 "재벌가 며느리?[Interview] Park Jihyun, "Daughter-in-law of a conglomerate?" 모현민처럼 못살아요""I can't live like Mo Hyunmin.

기사내용 요약summary of article content'재벌집 막내아들' 최대수혜자 "과분""The youngest son of a rich family." The biggest beneficiary. "Too much."
특정인물 염두 NO…No particular person...명품패션 참고I refer to luxury fashion.
"연기하면서 통쾌…"I'm so happy to be acting."대리만족"vicarious satisfaction"
스승 조한철과 호흡 감격Teacher Cho Hancheol and I are so moved.
박지현Park Jihyun.

[서울=뉴시스] 최지윤 기자 = 탤런트 박지현(28)은 JTBC 종방극 '재벌집 막내아들'의 최대 수혜자로 꼽힌다.Reporter Choi Ji-yoon = entertainer Park Ji-hyun (28) is considered the biggest beneficiary of JTBC's end-of-the-air drama "The Youngest Son of the Rich House." 현성일보 사주 장녀 '모현민'(박지현) 캐릭터 자체가 매력적이었다.The character of Hyun-min Mo (Park Ji-hyun), the eldest daughter of the owner of the Hyeonseong Ilbo, was attractive. 원작 웹소설에서 비중이 크지 않았지만, 드라마에선 당돌하고 야망이 큰 인물로 그려졌다.Although it was not significant in the original web novel, it was portrayed as a bold and ambitious person in the drama. 물론 여주인공인 검사 '서민영'(신현빈) 매력이 반감 돼 더욱 주목 받은 경향도 있다.Of course, the female protagonist prosecutor Seo Min-young (Shin Hyun-bin) tends to draw more attention as her charm has been halved. 박지현은 지난해 초 모현민과 서민영, 미라클 애널리스트 '레이첼'(티파니)을 두고 오디션을 봤다며 "간절해서 '뭐라도 시켜주면 하겠다'는 마음이었다"고 회상했다.Park Ji-hyun said she auditioned for Mo Hyun-min, Seo Min-young, and Miracle analyst Rachel (Tiffany) early last year, recalling, "I was desperate and wanted to 'make you do anything.'"

"'최대수혜자'라는 수식어는 과분하다.The modifier "the greatest beneficiary" is too much. 캐스팅 라인업을 보고 훌륭한 선배들과 같이 연기하게 돼 영광이었고, '나만 잘하면 된다'고 생각했다.It was an honor to act with great seniors after seeing the casting lineup, and I thought, "I just need to do well." 드라마가 이렇게 잘 될 수 있었던 것은 내가 아닌 선배들 덕분이다.The drama was able to do so well because of my seniors, not me. 촬영장에서도 선배들 연기를 보면서 계속 감탄했다.On the set, I continued to admire the acting of my seniors. 난 정말 운이 좋았다.I was really lucky. 극본이 재미있고 캐스팅이 화려해 시청률이 잘 나올 거라고 예상했지만, 이 정도일 줄은 몰랐다.I expected the ratings to be good because the script was fun and the casting was colorful, but I didn't know it would be this high. 아직도 실감이 안 난다.I still can't believe it. 내가 출연했지만, 진심으로 시청자 입장에서 몰입한 것도 오랜만이다."It's been a long time since I've been in the audience's shoes." 이 드라마는 재벌 총수 일가의 오너리스크를 관리하는 비서 '윤현우'(송중기)가 재벌가 막내아들 '진도준'으로 회귀해 승계 전쟁에 뛰어드는 이야기다.The drama is about Yoon Hyun-woo (Song Joong-ki), a secretary who manages the owner risk of the chaebol family, returning to the youngest son of the chaebol family, Jin Do-joon and entering the war of succession. 현민은 단순히 악녀로만 그려지지 않았다.Hyun-min was not simply portrayed as a wicked woman. 야망이 크지만 발톱을 숨기곤 했다.Though ambitious, he used to hide his claws. 원작을 보지는 않았다며 "많은 패를 숨기고 있어서 표정 등 외적인 부분을 최대한 덜어내려고 했다.I didn't see the original work, he said, "I tried to get rid of my facial expressions and other external parts as much as possible because I was hiding a lot of cards. 강약을 조절해 단어와 문장을 살렸다"고 설명했다.I adjusted my strength and weakness to save words and sentences." "싱크로율이 높지 않다"며 "실제로는 털털하고 야망, 욕심도 별로 없다"고 덧붙였다."The synchronization rate is not high," he said adding, "In reality, I'm easy-going, and I don't have much ambition and greed."

"현민처럼 살아갈 수 있는 사람이 많지 않다."There aren't many people who can live like the people of the prefecture. 환경, 재력 등을 완벽하게 갖춘 삶을 사는 게 쉽지 않고, 드라마라서 가능한 부분도 없지 않다.It is not easy to live a life with perfect environment and financial resources, and it is possible because it is a drama. 시청자들이 평소 하고 싶지만 하지 못했던 말과 행동, 이루고 싶지만 용기가 없어서 하지 못했던 욕망과 열정을 여과없이 보여줘 대리만족하지 않았을까.Wouldn't viewers be vicariously satisfied by showing the words and actions they usually wanted to say but couldn't, and the desire and passion they wanted to achieve but couldn't because they didn't have courage? 연기하면서도 굉장히 통쾌했다.While acting, I was very happy. 솔직한 캐릭터를 연기하며 스스로도 대리만족했다."I played an honest character, and I was satisfied with myself."

초반에 현민은 순양그룹 총수 '진양철'(이성민)에게 총애를 받는 도준에게 호감을 보였다.In the beginning, Hyun-min showed favor with Do-joon, who is favored by Sunyang Group's leader Jin Yang-cheol (Lee Sung-min). 거절 당한 뒤 장손 '진성준'(김남희)와 결혼했다.After being rejected, he married his eldest son, Jin Sung-joon (Kim Nam-hee). 도준을 유혹할 때 치명적인 매력이 돋보였다.When he seduced Do-joon, his fatal charm stood out. "감독님도 그 신을 중요시 했다."The director also valued the scene. 현민 분량이 많지 않은데, 좀 더 극대화해 보여줄 수 있는 신이었다"며 "성준과 정략 결혼을 앞두고 도준에게 (사업을) 제안해 캐릭터를 입체적으로 보여줄 수 있었다"고 짚었다.He said, "I don't have a lot of Hyun-min, but it was a scene that could be shown more maximizing," adding, "I was able to show my character in three dimensions by proposing (business) to Do-joon ahead of Sung-joon's political marriage." "송중기 선배도 많은 제안을 해줬고, 잘 이끌어줘서 좋은 신이 나오지 않았나 싶다"고 했다."Song Joong-ki also made a lot of suggestions, and I think a good god came out because he led me well," he said.

현민을 포함해 다양한 캐릭터가 실제 재벌가를 연상케 했다.Various characters, including Hyun-min, reminded me of a real chaebol family. "특정 인물을 염두에 두지는 않았다"면서 "스타일링 할 때도 재벌가를 참고하지는 않았다."I didn't have a specific person in mind," he said, "I didn't refer to chaebol families when styling." 시대극이라서 그 시절 샤넬, 에르메스 등 명품 브랜드 패션쇼를 많이 찾아 봤다.It was a period drama, so I looked up a lot of fashion shows of luxury brands such as Chanel and Hermes at that time. 유행은 돌고 돌지 않느냐.Fashion goes round and round, doesn't it? 지금 그 시절 옷을 입고 나와도 손색이 없을 정도"라고 귀띔했다.It's so good to come out in clothes from those days." 현민처럼 옷을 좋아한다며 "직접 빈티지숍에서 옷을 구입해 입기도 했다.He said he liked clothes like Hyun-min, adding, "I bought clothes at a vintage shop myself and wore them. 모자도 직구했다.I also bought a hat straight away. 매 신 메이크업, 의상에 맞춰 손톱도 다르게 했다.I also changed my nails to match my makeup and outfit. 방송에선 잘 안 보였는데 알아줬으면 좋겠다"고 바랐다.I couldn't see it on the air, but I hope you know it."

가장 기억에 남는 장면으로 신부 대기실 신을 꼽았다.The most memorable scene was the bride's waiting room scene. "현민이 처음으로 성준의 이면을 알고, 문을 잡고 나가려고 하지 않았느냐."Wasn't Hyun-min the first to know the other side of Seong-jun and try to grab the door and go out?" 연출적으로 '결혼을 포기하려는 걸까?'라는 착각이 들 때 화면이 겹쳐지면서 성준 손이 올라갔다"며 "난 대사가 많지 않았는데, 남희 선배가 연기를 잘해서 자동으로 리액션이 나오더라.Directorally, when I was confused, "Is he trying to give up his marriage?" the screen overlapped and Sung-joon's hand went up. "I didn't have many lines, but Nam-hee acted well, so I automatically reacted. 진심으로 화가 많이 났고, 그 때 감정이 가장 격정적이었다"고 털어놨다.I was genuinely very angry, and my emotions were the most intense at that time."

"난 재벌가에서 못 살 것 같다."I don't think I can live in a rich family. 물론 다양한 재벌가 며느리가 있겠지만, 현민의 삶으로만 봤을 때 나는 그렇게 못 산다.Of course, there will be various chaebol daughters-in-law, but I can't live like that in terms of the lives of the prefectural people. 시집살이 하면서 현민의 색을 잃어가 굉장히 딱했다.It was very pitiful to lose the color of Hyun-min while getting married. 20대 패기, 열정이 결혼으로 인해 사그라지지 않았느냐.Isn't the spirit and enthusiasm of people in their 20s diminished by marriage? 다른 목적이 생기긴 했지만 당연해져 가는 현민의 삶이 안타까웠다.Although another purpose was created, it was regrettable that the lives of the prefectural residents were becoming natural. 난 하루하루 소소하게 사는 게 행복하다.I'm happy to live a small life day by day. 연기도 돈이나 성공이 목적이 아니라 재미있어서 평생 하고 싶다."Acting isn't about money or success, it's about fun, so I want to do it for the rest of my life."

이성민(54)을 비롯해 조한철(49), 김신록(41) 등과 호흡하며 배운 점도 많다.I learned a lot from working with Lee Sung-min (54), Cho Han-chul (49), and Kim Shin-rok (41). 데뷔 전 조한철에게 연기 수업을 받았는데, 작품에서 만나 애틋했다.Before my debut, I took acting lessons from Cho Han-chul, and I met him in his work and felt affectionate. '너에게 가는 속도 493㎞'(2022)에 이어 두 번째다.This is the second time after "The speed to get to you 493km" (2022). "마지막 레슨 때 '우리 이제 현장에서 보자'고 했는데, 몇 년 뒤 이뤄져 감격스러웠다."At the last lesson, I said, 'Let's see each other on the spot now,' and I was thrilled that it happened a few years later. 이번에 독대하는 신도 있어서 행복했다"며 "한철쌤이 익숙한데 '무슨 선생님이야."I was happy to have a god who treated me alone this time," he said. "I'm used to Mr. Hancheol. What kind of teacher is he?" 우리 이제 동료야'라고 하더라."We're all colleagues now," he said. 대선배들이 많아서 '실수하지 말아야지'라는 생각에 긴장을 많이 했다.There were many great seniors, so I was very nervous at the thought of "I shouldn't make mistakes." 선배들한테 칭찬을 많이 해줘서 조금 더 자신감을 얻을 수 있었다"고 설명했다.I was able to gain a little more confidence because I praised my seniors a lot."

드라마 인기가 높아지면서 웃지 못할 해프닝도 일어났다.As the popularity of the drama increased, there was also an incident that made people laugh. 2019년 SBS TV 예능물 '런닝맨'에서 스무살 때 몸무게가 78㎏이었다고 밝혔는데, 과거 씨름선수였다는 소문이 퍼졌다.In 2019, SBS TV entertainment show Running Man revealed that he weighed 78 kilograms when he was 20, and rumors spread that he was a Ssireum player in the past. "씨름의 시옷자도 꺼내본 적이 없다."I've never even taken out the letter of ssireum. 초등학교 때 짧게 수영을 했지만, 씨름 모래판도 밟아본 적이 없다.I swam briefly in elementary school, but I've never stepped on the ssireum sand. 말도 안되는 루머로 인해 특정 씨름 선수 사진이 거론돼 놀랐다"고 털어놨다."I was surprised that photos of certain Ssireum players were mentioned due to ridiculous rumors," he confessed. "고등학교 때 부모님께 '연기하고 싶다'고 졸랐다."When I was in high school, I begged my parents, 'I want to act.' '서울을 가야겠다'고 마음 먹고 갑자기 공부를 시작했다"며 "수능 준비를 하다 보면 힘이 필요하니까.I decided to go to Seoul and started studying all of a sudden," he said adding, "I need strength to prepare for the college entrance exam." 많이 먹게 돼 급격하게 체중이 증량됐다"고 덧붙였다.I gained a lot of weight because I ate a lot."

박지현은 아나운서를 준비하다가 연기자로 방향을 틀었다.While preparing to become an announcer, Park Ji-hyun turned to acting. 대학 방송국 아나운서를 하며 꿈을 키웠지만, 이후 연기 매력에 푹 빠졌다.I dreamed of becoming an announcer at a university broadcasting station, but I fell in love with acting afterwards. 연기 시작 전엔 자존감이 높았지만, 데뷔 후 수많은 오디션에 탈락하며 좌절하기도 했다.Before the start of the acting, he had high self-esteem, but after his debut, he was frustrated by being eliminated from numerous auditions. 드라마 '왕은 사랑한다'(2017)로 데뷔, '브람스를 좋아하세요?'(2020) '유미의 세포들'(2021) 등에 출연했다.She made her debut in the drama "King loves you" (2017) and appeared in "Do you like Brahms?" (2020) "Yumi's Cells" (2021). 영화 '곤지암'(2018) '앵커'(2022) 등에서도 활약했다.He was also active in films such as "Gonjiam" (2018) and "Anchor" (2022). 내년 영화 '히든 페이스'로 관객들과 만날 예정이다.He is scheduled to meet the audience next year with the movie Hidden Face.

"처음에 오디션 떨어졌을 때는 스스로에게 문제를 찾았다."The first time I failed an audition, I found myself a problem. '아직 많이 부족한가' '예쁘지 않나' 싶었다.I thought, "Are you still lacking a lot?" and "Aren't you pretty?" 오디션은 장단점을 파악하기 위한 게 아니라 감독님 생각 속 정확한 이미지를 찾아가는 작업이다.Auditions are not intended to understand the pros and cons, but to find the exact image in the director's mind. 어느 순간 '이 캐릭터와 안 맞나 보다' '내 잘못이 아니야'라고 생각하는 시점이 오면서 편해졌다.At one point, I became comfortable as I came to think, "I guess I don't fit this character" and "It's not my fault." 떨어진 작품이 공개됐을 때 다 찾아보는 편인데, 캐스팅된 배우들이 인정됐다.I tend to look for all the fallen works when they are released, but the cast actors were recognized. '언젠가 나한테도 적합한 캐릭터가 찾아오겠지."One day, I'll find a character that's right for me." 그날을 위해 갈고 닦아야지' 싶었다.I thought I'd have to work on it for that day. 30대에도 꾸준히 연기하고 싶다."I want to continue acting even in my 30s."

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