안문숙, 돌아가신 母 떠올리며 '오열'..Ahn Moon-sook, thinking about her late mother, cried...박원숙 "경찰서만 60번 넘게 방문"('같이삽시다')[SS리뷰]Park Wonsook "Visit the police station more than 60 times" (Let's live together) [SS Review]

[스포츠서울 | 남서영기자] 안문숙이 돌아가신 어머니를 떠올렸다.[Sports Seoul | Seo Nam-young Reporter] I remembered Ahn Moon-sook's late mother.

6일 방송된 KBS2 ‘박원숙의 같이 삽시다’에서는 박원숙, 혜은이, 안소영, 안문숙이 요트 면허 시험장에 간 모습이 그려졌다.KBS2's "Let's Live Together," which aired on the 6th, depicts Park Won-sook, Hye-eun, Ahn So-young, and Ahn Moon-sook going to the yacht license test site.

시험장인 경찰서로 향하던 네자매, 안문숙은 “경찰서는 면허증 받을 때 말고는 가보지 않았다”고 이야기했고, 박원숙은 “경찰서 이야기는 하지도 말어”라며 “징글징글하다”고 반응했다.Four sisters, Ahn Moon-sook, who were heading to the police station, said, "I haven't been to the police station except when I got my license," and Park Won-sook responded, "Don't even talk about the police station," adding, "It's gross."

박원숙은 “서초 검찰청에 촬영이 있었다.Park Won-sook said, "There was a filming at the Seocho Public Prosecutors' Office. 길 물어보려고 눈을 마주치려고 하는데 그 사람들은 눈을 내리깔고 안 마주쳐 주더라.I tried to make eye contact to ask for directions, but they looked down and didn't. 그런데 왔다갔다 했던 게 60 몇 번이다.But I went back and forth 60 times. 징글징글했다”고 힘들었던 시간을 떠올렸다.I was disgusted," he recalled, recalling his hard time.

KBS2 ‘박원숙의 같이 삽시다’ 출처| KBS2KBS2's "Let's Live Together". Source: KBS2.
숙소로 돌아와 휴식을 갖던 네자매, 안문숙은 돌아가신 어머니를 떠올렸다.Ahn Moon-sook, the four sisters who were taking a rest after returning to their accommodation, remembered their late mother.

그는 “이 프로 하면서 진짜 귀한 걸 얻었다.He said, "I got something really valuable while doing this program. 이 프로 맡기 전에 불면증이 엄청 심했다.I had a terrible insomnia before I left this program. 촬영하고 꿀잠을 자기 시작했다.After filming, I started to sleep soundly. 식구들도 엄청 찬성했다.The family members were very much in favor of it. 엄마가 살아 계셨으면 정말로 좋아하셨을텐데라고”라며 이야기를 꺼냈다.If my mother were alive, she would have really liked it."

안문숙은 “덕분에 엄마 생각이 많이 줄어들었다.Ahn Moon-sook said, "Thanks to you, my mother's thoughts have decreased a lot. 지금도 너무 속상한 거는 아직 돌아가신 걸 모르고 분들이 물어본다.Even now, I'm so upset because I don't know that I'm dead yet, and people ask me. 그러면 갑자기 뜨거운 게 막 올라온다.Then suddenly something hot comes up. 어머니 천국 가시고 TV 보면 눈물이 난다.When my mother goes to heaven and watches TV, tears come out. 슬픈 장면이 나오면 전에는 안 울었는데 엄마가 가시고 난 뒤 그 방을 1년 동안 못 들어갔다.When a sad scene came out, I didn't cry before, but after my mother left, I couldn't enter the room for a year. 엄마랑 일생을 같이 살아서 떨어져 본 적이 없어서 상실감이 컸다”고 눈물지었다.I've never lived with my mom in my whole life, so I had a great sense of loss."

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