Sunwoo said, "You can pay back to time with Nam convenience and time to pay 10 billion won, "SCri" (SCari2′) [SCrived 2]

[Sports Chosun George Young-jae] Actor Sun Woo-woo, who collected attention to Hwang Jae-jae, said, who gathered attention to his husband Yoo Young Jae-jae.

SBS entertainment, which aired on the 7th, which aired on the 7th, Sun Woo-woo, has recently attracted attention as a special MC.

Sunwoo was the first meeting with Yoo Young-jae first meeting with Yoo Young-jae, and met with his close brother, and met there was a place where he accidentally met with close brother.I wanted to break without any story, but Yoo Young-jae said, "I want to recommend a good music number?"I asked you."So I gave me a contact with the next morning, I opened the next morning."

He sent a message and sent me a good day, "Please start a good day and music every day."But it's really recommended songs that I like?I didn't know, "Are you sending me?"Afterwards, I listened to his radio show a lot of good music.Once I heard the music late night, I wanted to eat bread.I was surprised when I didn't think I suddenly thought of bread.I took a picture of her own bread and sent to Yoo Young Jae-jae, saying, "I left me."

Above all, Sun Woo-woo, who was worried about marriage, "When I was married when I was married.I didn't like this again, I didn't think it again.But Yoo Young-jae changed me.It's a bit embarrassed in our age, saying, "YOUNGJAEYOUNGJAEYOUNGJAEYOUNG is a bit embarrassed?"I asked you"."It's been 17 years old." "I'm good at all right.There are people who have to play, but I can't jump.I told you that I should see you don't know.He confessed that he said.

Sunwoo, who has deep love to Yoo Young-jae, "I naturally have skin cooperation with my husband now.kisses often and Yoo Young-jae gives a lot of expression.In particular, we don't care about each other, saying, "It is regrettable that Yoo Youngjae is debt."I don't care if I have to pay him to pay it.Don't you pay back as a wife, right?However, there are no two divorce in advance," said, "There are no divorce.

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