My wife = My wife..."It's almost human trafficking." [Curious]

(X Sports News Choi Hee Jae-jae, who suspected her husband suspected husband in the marriage Ji-jae, was revealed.

MBC's "Oh, O's report - wedding hall" released on the 7th, a married couple of months, the marriage couple of months.

The client said, "I met in November last year, and joined him in November.""Let's try to take a shoot before filming the 5th, I wanted to try to do it even if I said, "Let's try to try more." My wife said, "I didn't want to fail this marriage again."My wife was constantly suspected of being outside and outside.I checked where my husband is frequently on a day.

My husband began to doubt about the next month.The divorce was over three years and I already organized, but I'm not going to go again.So I thought it's going to fight.

But my wife was different.My wife told me that my husband was not only mentioned the name of the former wife, but surprised everyone was sleeping at home after divorce.

To protect children, my wife covered everything.My wife is almost like, "It's almost impossible.Jeon said a lot of children."My husband added, "I heard that I heard that I was going to school."

Dr. Oh Eun-young said, "It's not possible to be able to do it."

In addition, my wife, "I think my husband's parents.There are many things I want to do my parents.He drew attention to North Korea.

Oh Eun-young asked my wife, "Where are your parents?" "Where are you in North Korea?" "Where are you in North Korea.In North Korea, it was cute, so I received a vacation powder, so I received a vacation powder and followed by Ko Jong-sa Village.I said what I told the soldiers, and asked me to go to the soldiers."

Also, my wife went across, "I went over, but it's so I was so I was so happy.I saw China.If you're caught in there, our house is the end of our house.(Mr. Samchon) I tried to buy me to buy me.It was a human trafficking.

photo =MBC broadcasting
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