"Let's be married" Jung Hye-young, "Let's go alone"

Joo Hyun-young, who will reveal the relationship relationship.In addition, Jung Hye-young gathered attention to Lee Seo-young.
In TV Nayoung-joo, who aired on the 28th, Kim Hyun-joo ( Joo Hyun-young) said on the 28th, said to keep the relationship with their relationship with their company.
Earlier, the wife Song Eun-joo, who suspected the relationship with Kim Hyun-joo, who suspected the relationship with Kim Hyun-joo.Son Hyun-joo, who is not worried about the scene, he doesn't worry about it.Eun-kyung said it was hard, but you asked me to take care of you. "I'm trying to catch this situation right away."I'm going to talk to the company, but I'm going to be honest, but I'm going to feel betrayed if I'm going to feel betrayed.Until now, it was fooled.I said it's okay, so I'm going to be secret like now.
Kim Hyun-joo and Ko Eun-soo expressed his appearance with the filming site together.Kim Hyun-joo laughed at the bus, saying, "It's a line, and said, "It is a line of the embassy."He said, "You're so pretty today." So Hyun-joo laughed, "You're really good at acting, saying, "You're so good."
However, Song Eun-young, who knew that he was not working out of marriage, said, "Jung Hye-young" was not solved at home."Let's stop now".It was 24 years old.When do I wish I'm gonna wish.Then, I argued that I didn't even snow roads, and I didn't even after that time.Accordingly, Song showed a photo taken with Kim So-hyun and explained that he met because he met Son Joon-ho, who fought with Son Joon-ho.However, Song made a doubt that he made him so he made him so, saying, "Let's divorce."

On the other hand, in the broadcast, but Choi Tae-hyun, who owe conflicts with conflict with Kim So-hyun and Son Joon-ho, who has been drawn to reconciliation with conflict with Kim So-ho and Son Joon
Kim So-hyun met with Namsa and night was released at night and night, and the conflict of the couple were released online.Son Joon-ho said, "I'll talk to you with my friends, but Son Joon-ho said, "Where are friends between the men?"Kim So-hyun was only married, saying he was only married, saying that Son Joon-ho was only married, and I was still jealous that I'm only looking at the child.Son Joon-ho saw the black box video clip, and the conflict of the two people were deeper.I'll appear in a couple musical, but managers have fallen from promotions, and managers fell from the promotion.
Son Joon-ho, who wants to leave a live talk show, "I don't think about how much faith in the live talk show.I'm going to go out there?"I told him that he said he didn't stop his stock investment failure to tell his wife Kim So-hyun.
Kim So-hyun, who met Ma Tae-hyun met Lee Tae-hyun at once.Junho said he lived for family.I thought I lived a lot more.I regrettable that Junho didn't care about Junho, but I regret it could be back to trust him."
Among them, Kim So-hyun, who appeared in live talk show him to laugh, who failed to laugh and failed to make him laugh at the week.
Photo = "YOUNG's manager" broadcasting
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