Mr. Seo-hoon, a mother, a mother, a mother, "I'm divorced."

Seo Jang-hoon was working to her husband, who is struggling to her husband.

In KBS JOY, which aired on the 28th, appeared on the 28th anniversary of KBS JOY, appeared.

They said, "The couple of men's liver disease has been frequent after a disease after the disease, "The management of the management of the management of the management.Moaya disease is thin, which is thin, is thin, and brain infarction, causing a lot of brain bleeding or brain infarction. My husband knew the disease in May last year, and spent a hard time, and spent a hard time, and spent a long time, such as brain bleeding surgery in two months.

My wife is anxious to explode.My husband seems to think it lightly.I kept saying what I said.On the contrary, my husband who doesn't stop the glass.

Also, husband asked, "I smoke before."I quit smoking, but I liked magic." If you said, "I liked magic."I drank about 360 days.I quit drinking after being sick.I told you that I don't drink beer.I fought again.Wi-Fi reminds me of beer, so I said you don't drink beer."

My wife says, "It's rather loud.Even if cigarettes can't smoke, smoking can be required.I don't know if you can happen again.It was not a disease, but I should be careful not participating in rehabilitation, but he had to take care of her husband's care of her husband care.

Accordingly, Lee Soo-geun said, "Do you drink" and "Do you drink" and "Do you have to drink."It's big to worry about my wife.We need to fit each other.There's no completely.You have to be careful.If I'm hard, I hope this person would be hard."

Seo Jang-hoon, "If you want to leave your wife and kids, do whatever you want.I'm divorced in advance.How should I do it?"I need to live happily." Seo Jang-hoon said, "Why do you do you have to live happy?"I don't love Wi-Fi.

Seo Jang-hoon also said, "Why are you nervous and hard to worry about your wife.There's a problem in your life.If you don't know when I don't know when I don't know when I don't have patience and patience, "What will you do you do?"My husband gave me a big job, but you don't ask me when I had a big job.It was very thankful that you're going to wake up, saying, "How much thank you" and interested in both sides of both sides.

Hwang Ji-hye online news reporter

photo =KBS JOY" capture
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