The police were an actor isangbo of illegal drugs charges cleared his name.

Seoul Gangnam Police Station for the isangbo of injected drugs, no charges related to the.
경찰은 이상보의 소변과 모발을 정밀 감정한 결과, 소변과 모발에서 검출된 여러 향정신성의약품 성분이 검출됐지만 "우울증약을 복용했을 뿐"이라는 주장에 따라 마약을 투여한 것으로 보기는 어렵다고 판단한 것으로 알려졌다.The hair was on morphine-based never detected.
As a result, Police Administration, since there was no evidence that the case there is no isangbo bulsongchi and said that an end to situation.
이상보는 지난 10일 "약에 취한 것으로 보이는 남성이 걸어다닌다"는 신고를 받고 출동한 경찰에 체포됐다.At that time secured The police found, dozens of pills in the house of the isangbo.이후 이상보가 직접 언론과 만나 이상보는 지난 2009년 가족을 잃고 우울증이 심해졌으며 2019년부터 우울증과 불안증이 심해져 항우울제와 신경안정제 등을 복용해왔다고 해명했다.
He was crazy about. "Open your eyes and he said in a day in a normal star actor just drugs, and to use it in print that drugs without any process for all will bring an action" he said, " People are sometimes falseNot interested in truth and mania in a lie.When is my life to fight to the end of the name I don't know kkajiilji, said.
Isangbo physician interviews, too, " (a medicine is the bogyok isangbo) narcotics, but you must have the drug amphetamine, methamphetamine and cannabis in alcohol and drug because it is drugs are not.Confused as a narcotic drugs, (a) wrote same.(The isangbo) when treating drug addiction this is about nothing, said.
한편 이상보는 1981년생으로 지난 2006년 KBS 2TV 드라마 '투명인간 최장수'로 데뷔했다.Daughters-in-Law drama ',' Bad Love, ', ocn' Lugal ', jtbc' invasion of privacy ' me to appear in.The last activity daily drama 'Miss monte, Christopher's' a sitcom was last July, two kbs tv.

Seoul Gangnam Police Station for the isangbo of injected drugs, no charges related to the.
경찰은 이상보의 소변과 모발을 정밀 감정한 결과, 소변과 모발에서 검출된 여러 향정신성의약품 성분이 검출됐지만 "우울증약을 복용했을 뿐"이라는 주장에 따라 마약을 투여한 것으로 보기는 어렵다고 판단한 것으로 알려졌다.The hair was on morphine-based never detected.
As a result, Police Administration, since there was no evidence that the case there is no isangbo bulsongchi and said that an end to situation.
이상보는 지난 10일 "약에 취한 것으로 보이는 남성이 걸어다닌다"는 신고를 받고 출동한 경찰에 체포됐다.At that time secured The police found, dozens of pills in the house of the isangbo.이후 이상보가 직접 언론과 만나 이상보는 지난 2009년 가족을 잃고 우울증이 심해졌으며 2019년부터 우울증과 불안증이 심해져 항우울제와 신경안정제 등을 복용해왔다고 해명했다.
He was crazy about. "Open your eyes and he said in a day in a normal star actor just drugs, and to use it in print that drugs without any process for all will bring an action" he said, " People are sometimes falseNot interested in truth and mania in a lie.When is my life to fight to the end of the name I don't know kkajiilji, said.
Isangbo physician interviews, too, " (a medicine is the bogyok isangbo) narcotics, but you must have the drug amphetamine, methamphetamine and cannabis in alcohol and drug because it is drugs are not.Confused as a narcotic drugs, (a) wrote same.(The isangbo) when treating drug addiction this is about nothing, said.
한편 이상보는 1981년생으로 지난 2006년 KBS 2TV 드라마 '투명인간 최장수'로 데뷔했다.Daughters-in-Law drama ',' Bad Love, ', ocn' Lugal ', jtbc' invasion of privacy ' me to appear in.The last activity daily drama 'Miss monte, Christopher's' a sitcom was last July, two kbs tv.