[osen : a reporter Kim Soo Hyung] ijiye is particularly alone in San Francisco, and the second daughter of the daily family trip to said.
Three days in the morning, posted personal photos via sns ijiye.
Daughters of the photos released a behind-the-scenes lookGive a straight face by saying "dozens at a time sheet at a time to erase to cover a thing ...", saying, "My dumplings selfie often feverish snapping pictures, gwiyomi" is for the first taeri first.I'm afraid my daughter directly such as bracken by hand camera containing a look of wonder as pressing the shutter.
Ellie pictures public, he said, " My second second and so want to see gwiyomi, too.Come quickly, " me find her.And see what and daughter." with my sister, saying, "It's my grandmother left in alone in second and will soon oryejeong" is ijiye seupaesyeol Day (to me about hard my mom?), even though I want to see Eli reveals the special love ".
The ijiye is "to see my sister came to San Francisco." and reached out to one's older sister living in the United States had who brought the truth.Family vacation, enjoying the warm to those who watched the event, said the update to hilling.
Meanwhile, the tax accountant of the three years older than 2017 is ijiye munjaewan and marriage, blessed with two daughters.
[picture] 'sns'