(ek joyejin a sports news) the dating scene behind the '3 dolsinggeuljeu' cast members have been made public.
2nd mbn fun official Minkun Instagram, does Dabin become your girlfriend, Jeongmin yeyeong 1 to 1 on the dating scene.Photo, a couple!Fresh, exciting, and who've done ...여름이었다"라는 글과 함께 여러 장의 사진이 게재됐다.
In the picture ena, and the arts, Han Jung Min, a '3 dolsinggeuljeu' contestant and joyeyeong gimmingeon mbn jeondabin showed.Last choice, behind a 'a one-on-one date.' scene one.
Han Jung Min who enjoys and smiling figure dating and uniform joyeyeongIn particular, has sentimental value, and two hands holding my attention.특히 방송에서 두 사람은 생활 습관이나 마인드 등 결혼을 염두에 둔 대화를 이어나가 기대를 모은 바 있어 다정한 모습이 더욱 이목을 모은다.
Selfies expect in frequency around the shoulder and gimmingeon'm sweet an atmosphere, such as attention-getting.Tailored to the yeoncheong the atmosphere in this fashion is also making it more sappy.
On the other hand, '3 dolsinggeuljeu' aired at 10 every Sunday afternoon.
Photo = mbn fun official Instagram.