‘kkuankku’ look, Best of the actresses ‘Sul Hyun’ vs woseuteu ‘gimtaeri’ [The star @].

[at a style baksseunghyeon] stars can meet the most casual look of a public appearance together is what ‘preview’ fashion.Give me all for a made-up look lighter and a sense than the clothing comfortable of stars that shows a real ‘kkuankku’ look, I have gathered.

Thumb, Chuck,
Sul Hyun _ only denim pants and blouse, but in fashion is perfect figure that belies her bottle.Sul Hyun is asymmetrical impressive crop of natural bootcut pants to match the blouse, feminine charm all highlighted the look.Perfect fit, which drops all, under the impressive fashion, it is for the completion of the noticeable.‘꾸안꾸’룩의 대표주자로 소개되어도 손색 없을 룩이다.

Beautiful it is!

Sul Hyun _ Seohyun, similar to the blouse and a combination of denim pants, but more basic form that created the difference with Seo Hyeon ‘kkuankku’ look.A feminine blouse highlighted the atmosphere to add casual feel straight to the camp of the fit.In particular, sections feel cool just to see snow Seohyun's fashion in the washing jeans that add ventilation.

A piquant smile just to _ Giraud, Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru ' Oh, my girl lovely Giraud, Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru ' an atmosphere.Green top and pants with a strong sense of color it is to challenge the conspicuous.However, some big pants, a fit of the top half in length and overall look is a feeling of a material raised to be desired.The hot summer is a dark corner, feels more brightly colored items rather than with a tinge of color to create fresh, guess what.

Who is Cody?
Seo Woo _ Seou which is a look here to a form of shirts reobeulli bakssi Over the Knee highs in points.But your hands enough to cover a shirt with dark visors covering all the leg bakssi Sox added up to you somewhere in the form of visible increase of fashion has been created. It's very uncomfortable.An awkward Knee highs over the legs rather than cool to match points to have been much better that is what it was like.

Chelsea boots match to a pretty fit of dress, and bold _ gimtaeri reobeulli to gimtaeri to a look.Dress is half of the dates and drops in a fit bakssi gijanggam that make it look rather shorter because of a wave of an Optical Illusion effect.A dress silhouette is no more bold I would have to choose the length if you want to match.To be finished as a platform boots here already small it adds up to be made smaller keys that raised'm sorry.
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