Lee is happy with Lee Sang Soon, Seoul, date and Honh Hyun Hee, a special birthday party with a married couple jeisseun 'in Seoul, Korea' open the door of part 2.
Tving be released three days, Goodwill Seoul enjoy a date with Lee Sang Soon her husband, Lee Hyo-ri. in the original seven animation) 'in Seoul, Korea' (directed by Kim Tae-ho, tving (available and writer choeyejeong gimhunbeom, gangnyeongmi tving)
Lee, all dressed and good to see someone else for oyster bar in Gangnam, Seoul, Korea.We've been waiting a character in Seoul met husband Lee Sang Soon after the schedule is its own.He kept saying Lee "You're so pretty today," toward the entrance and a bouquet of flowers, romantic side showing off.Lee is the charm full of praise for her husband shows the reality, such as the couple's chemistry can't keep a straight face properly.
Honh Hyun Hee, to move their reason for our meeting in Seoul recently jeisseun been invited to their house to check in with a husband and wife.Honh Hyun Hee happy about the couple opens Lee Hyo-ri and sing a song from the moment and jeisseun is the same birthday as May 10 of the shim jjinpaen and Honh Hyun Hee Lee, a joint birthday party and moving the ship.
In particular, the entertainment world football romantist couple, Lee - Lee Sang Soon, marriage - marriage, couples meeting possible topic of conversation that they couple jeisseun, curious that a sympathy for the torque split is concentrated.
이와 함께 공개된 포스터에서는 파트2의 시작을 알리는 이효리의 새로운 서울 스토리를 한 눈에 볼 수 있는 사진들이 담겨 있다.행복함이 물씬 느껴지는 ‘홍쓴 부부’와의 생일파티 모습은 물론, 이효리와 AKMU 이찬혁의 음악 작업을 기대하게 만드는 스틸컷도 일부 공개되며, 곧 베일을 벗을 이들의 'Free Smile' 프로젝트를 향한 기대감을 고조시켰다.
Tving be an original 'in Seoul, Korea' is a delightful chemistry in the meeting of the entertainment industry's Wan na be couples tving animation he was three days in.
Bak sul = tving picture and the press.