임성훈은 2일 텐아시아와의 전화 인터뷰를 통해 '애로부부' 속 '배드파파'가 자신의 상황과 상당히 다르다는 입장을 밝혔다.
지난 28일 채널A에서 방송된 '애로부부'에선 십수 년째 양육비를 수천만 원이나 미지급하고 있는 연예인 남편을 고발하는 아내의 사연이 공개됐다.
Mr. he was popular a fellow worker claimed that the former wife of Mr. b a in broadcast on that day.And b the comedian a loan between Incest girl child and female staff and carrying on, pass the exam have to.
In addition, b and disclosed that the violence and verbal abuse against.이혼 후엔 4년간 양육비를 한 푼도 지급하지 않고 잠적했으며, 이후 연예계 활동을 접고 사업으로 대성공해 최고급 아파트에서 상간녀와 아이까지 두고 결혼생활을 하고 있었다고 폭로했다. TV broadcasters after the comedians, 'Bad Papa' due to remarry after divorce, business transformation and other cues a loan is blamed for the imseonghun.
The imseonghun, " I don't care the broadcast.But the text, there's way too early in the morning, my wife woke me up. ", saying" sns of cursing 'tear limb from limb.', along with my daughter back with abuse is coming back.Due to the broadcast, families appealed, and damaged too.
I did not get any " My daughter's school.The completely emptied of personal information by what grade school and in a few children from class or your home address.Everyone in our family hurt too much after the broadcast."

A fellow worker imseonghun.
According to the data submitted by imseonghun, he was divorced in August 2011.Current wife and remarried, and in August 2012, 2015, giving birth to her own daughter.
He said, " My wife is not from staff, and I used to best known only as my sister's friend.In the past, thyroid cancer went to medical treatment for a year or two.I don't know about possible cancer patients and pregnant ", saying" obstetrics and gynecology at clearing a child is also not true.Incest girl is in a day my wife, daughter and suffering, said.
Through a real-time broadcasting is yutyubeo imseonghun he conclude that this may be 'Bad Papa', directly mentioning the name of the year.However, continued to get in touch with his ex-wife and imseonghun that broadcasting after the former wife in a telephone interview with 'Arrow couple.' informed the fact that that the answer.I'm not wife's report, imseonghun will is not the protagonist of the story in 'Arrow couple.'.
People came on the air and called me the bad man.I said that the verbal abuse and violence.Quarrel with each other when the domestic battle with his ex-wife did not touch, but at the end of my memory.I ask my wife is ever confided, ‘There was a relative's house in the head too much by panic disorder’ is married to me.At that time I go to, hospital and encouraged it, I'm fine."
In 2008, is imseonghun sbs as a drama.But I had no time to act dj the café, and became, he scrapped one, and comedy programs that activities.
" never the first time a fellow worker and passed the test activities.Have you ever once in my stocking, Cheer up, I want to see my parents are too much for your hard and my sister's death as in his mind.I also feel bad since we wer have lived, broadcast to give up give up comedian and passed an audition to appear.Is the last call."

Photo = imseonghun has some support for transfer details to pay.
The Asian ten imseonghun content transfer to majority obtained the proper maintenance for, from 2011 to 2021.The story is different from the 'Arrow couple.' that it is not paid a penny in maintenance for four years.
But imseonghun is admitted about some of the arrears the child.He was rushing is a " support for really sorry.I divorced and went off and all of the debt and card loan when it was ", saying" with bad credit ratings start from scratch. I can't afford the childcare costs, said.
And he said, " it Don't caught dj and corona is a complete shirt since.Maintenance on the situation that does not just money you will have five million won gamchi in court because I'm behind schedule.My father's bonds to pay the money by writing me. pay back despite the day, but ", saying" money.I was really hard, explained.
Live commerce businesses check cumulative earnings for three months of the Asian 'hit the jackpot.' is imseonghun ten.Sales amount is 1 $ 293 million 5718Among them, after commission and sales commissions, imseonghun to come back to three million won.It was hard to see that 'jackpot' business.
" such as a show host business only a month or two that are situated this mankeumirado.And I has been a lot of talk about a gun carriage, but not to run the business of friends on my Facebook page promoting way up."

Photo = imseonghun and acquaintances Kakao Talk was wonderful talking capture.
The imseonghun sns of 'picture of an idle boast' to accusing the Gulf of the wrong end of his ex-wife because of his remorse."want to keep the baby well the monthly rent house got." he said, " But sns a nice car and good post for a picture of the house is all bravado, not all my.Luxury sports car is at his brother to know what let's for a ride.Post for marketing, said.
" My wife can not do I don't feel good.Because I always had no money to continue treatment.It's not true that going into hiding.Contact group also sent a phone number, and also did not give up.All can prove.It is true that very daunting task for support of 1.3 million won.But because it really is sorry he left behind in.After faithfully sent.I'd like to make really good on child support does not have much is all the more I'm sorry."
Spreading false information, is a clear crime임성훈의 사정과 별개로 양육비가 일부 밀렸던 사실은 있으나, 수년간의 '잠적'과 '성공한 개그맨이자 사업가', '불륜', '가정폭력' 등 사실 확인 없이 퍼진 '묻지 마 폭로'는 그와 상관없는 어린 딸까지 수렁에 빠뜨렸다.
He's evening, three days yutyubeo disease through the channel said it will allow the materials and to release transcripts of his resentment.Moving him is 'family'.For his criticism, rather than reveals desire to restore daily life of his wife and daughter.
Seoyejin Ten Asian news .