Park Shin-hye inseuta the story.
[The Herald pop : a Park Seo Yeon] actor who love Park family gift of shoes.
Park Shin-hye brilliantly plays on Wednesday posted his story along with the words "family ♥", through the Instagram photos.
Contained The gift from Park Shin-hye in the magazine photos released.Park Shin-hye and Choi Tae-joon, family running shoes for our son.Park Shin-hye brilliantly plays in the gift of good sense of moving a an acquaintance.Especially a little baby shoes gwaenseure to smile.
Meanwhile, Choi Tae-joon and married in January at the end of the four years of dating, and actor Park Shin-hye brilliantly plays somewhere in Seoul last month, 31, gave birth to sons.Salt Entertainment agency said Park Shin-hye and children are all healthy now, and taking stability in the celebration of the family and friends. and choetaejunChoi Tae-joon, Park Shin-hye and to welcome a life Please warm blessing and support to the child, said.