지난 3일 방송된 MBC 예능프로그램 ‘나 혼자 산다’에서는 56년 만에 ‘내 집 마련’을 한 배우 김광규의 집에 무지개 회원인 전현무, 기안84, 화사가 출동했다.
The gimgwanggyu was food ingredients and in the kitchen to cook.A thick steak, pasta, and with up to terms.Gimgwanggyu said homes have been to my house today.Mother to come up and family houses in Busan.Social houses said in interviews said the first time my friend.
Let's explain how to make pasta is Jun Hyun-moo gimgwanggyu to pasta, " to my girlfriend ever?The ballpark. " doljikkuPark Na-rae laughed, saying "just smile.", Jun Hyun-moo " Don't you don't need to answer every question.With a laugh laugh. ".

Photo provided / 'I live' = mbc

Photo provided / 'I live' = mbcThe food is done, Kian 84 and the company has emerged.Sages of antiquity is the language of flowers and Kian 84 mupyo Bongolae eat pasta with each other and exchanged with the eyes of the question.Company is also said, "I'm just life seemed the just." and Vongole is bland, Kian 84Jun Hyun-moo claimed that he was "You're salty food,", he is OK.Kian 84 is Jun Hyun-moo Thailand goes on coughing because lots of chili peppers, and even eat.
A striped snake eating a steak was impressed, saying, "It was so good.".Kian 84 was sympathetic, saying, "This is delicious.".Gimgwanggyu has been out for a bottle of wine, in the refrigerator.I said, "live carefully also wanted to show off a cup with a knife and fork." gimgwanggyu
Kian 84 is "The picture been." and took out a gift. then began to take a look around our house after a meal,Jun Hyun-moo also said, "I have been." and then refused the painting, "I don't want to mix it up." and Kian 84 the smile.
The company is trendy had been preparing in the mirror.Personal information company said.Buy it over as soon as she came. "Sing a song a cake in the company for celebrating."Please help homeless people all jipssage" is gimgwanggyu, making wishes and put out the candle out.
How will go home after to see How do How do I proceed to 84 gimgwanggyu?The drafting, and said, 84 said they were reached by taxi.Gimgwanggyu was 100,000 won him and say, "I'll pay your taxi fare".I saw the Honey Jay said, "Old and rich" and laugh.
Ryuyeji Ten Asian news .