Sun Woo Eun Sook [The Sports Chosun dot-com Jung Yoona a] actor's daughter-in-law disclosed on a vacation with her mother-in-law choeseonjeong.
Choeseonjeong his Instagram, the grandmother in a long time without shooting the day does not go and kindergarten so I came here to play.Actually, that...I think I came with your mother leave.Taeri particularly Can I crash with your grandmother today along with the words, with a photo.
A picture released in Sun Woo Eun Sook and you are on vacation with her mother-in-law and daughter, her husband and son figure is choeseonjeongSun Woo Eun Sook, in particular, beauty and beautiful enough to can not guess her age, showing off a trim figure and a source of wonder.In a " celebrity is a celebrity at the Sun Woo Eun Sook.Really beautiful.Wow, "Comment, Family which picture that imprint, choeseonjeong" the queen of the management is really your mother.Pilates squat in a few hours, climbing every day and every day.His wife is lying down, and ... " to send in an armchair, too.

한편 미스 춘향 출신인 최선정은 지난 2018년 이영하, 선우은숙의 아들인 배우 이상원과 결혼해 슬하에 1남 1녀를 두고 있다.
▶ You don't know the man hiding a secret.