[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon]

Seoayan inseuta
Fire released photographs of pregnancy. past seoayani
Im Chang-jung singer's wife three days gone public with their own picture along with the words, "iPhone is it if you can forget Three years ago, telling photos when you come with me, sleep didn't hear me in the United States over the past three years now, in America and admiration on her own." via Instagram is seoayan.
이어 "준표가 배 안에 있었던 7개월 얀산부 모습과 준재는 친정 엄마가 봐주시고 나름 준재만 없는 미국 여행 (자기는 왜 미국 사진에 없냐며..) baby baby voice and second grade in middle school children did A quasar is a baby, and me without the Gam of 80 kilograms in the cozy - lol, " added a moment, of talking about old days.
Released photo is seoayani with my family three years ago during a trip to the United States contains.The seoayan no humiliation during pregnancy, takes pride in her beauty attracted attention.
Im Chang-jung, meanwhile, is to overcome past age 18, 2017 and crew from a yoga teacher married seoayan, his wife.Im Chang-jung, which has three sons seoayan and his son giving birth and now they are blessed with five sons and two seeds.
They are now raising sbs in '- You Are My Sunshine 2 dongsangimong'.