King Kong by Starship 1 © the news.
(= 1 News, Seoul, Korea) yunhyojeong space girl at her first role debut as a member and actor you slice it, (Kim Ji-yon,) 'the lawyer' Journalist : groups.
The results of the news, the first 10 days, Bona 'the lawyer' (Choi Jin-young, the play director Kim Seung-ho and jeonghorak) star Lee Yeon Joo new role.
동명의 웹툰을 영상화한 '조선변호사'는 계획된 송사들을 일으키고 억울한 피해자의 마음까지 이용하는 독종변호사 강한수가 뜻하지 않게 백성들의 해결사, 은인, 급기야 영웅으로 추앙받게 되면서 진짜 정의로운 변호사로 성장해나가는 통쾌하고 따뜻한 이야기를 담을 작품이다. Gyeongguk daejeon to the motive, but imaginary story.법과 글을 몰라 억울한 백성들과 그들을 돕는 주인공들이 함께 무소불위의 권세가들을 몰락시키고, 악행으로 남용되는 권력을 제한하는 법을 완성시키는 과정을 담는다.
Hero complex fusion genre histories of water revenge, court and romance genre.A genre that of many a historical, legal series set in the Joseon Dynasty adds novelty in.
Bona was playing the role of Lee Yeon Joo.Lee Yeon Joo ganghansu of the client, usually with a false story of secret where I don't know how people see lot of character.Hide one's sleeve and realize his own revenge, but again and again to meet complex feeling confused. be to
Actor udowan ganghansu role.Their new chemistry, points.
Bona, the space girl made her debut on Korean girl groups, boy also made his presence known by 2016.The drama 'the best room' in 2017 'Lingerie Girls ' Generation' to start an acting career, such as 'a radio' she played a fantastic job.
April issue in the sitcom was in 'of 25 seumulhana' a drama nauido and rival (match) to become a true friend to begin with the station goyurim.Fierce competition in the world a teenage girl's precarious look and delicately and the various features of the character fresh thrill of his first love received good reviews.To continue the process of hard-working, and then immediately decide the next film, 'the lawyer'.