'Answer Yoo Jae-seok Named Comedian ♥' Park Ji-yeon, the product to sell actively explain allegations "will take legal action bibanggeul"

Park Ji-yeon Answer Yoo Jae-seok Named Comedian [The Sports Chosun the dot com a press spokeswoman Lee] broadcast, his wife are selling their goods on the suspicion surrounding personal explanation and a legal notice their responses.

Park Ji-yeon, September is formally released an official letter received from the factory, saying, "official documents issued by the manufacturer to save Even though at the centre of controversy is I'm becoming a destination other than the eumae to release an official document for the fact checkers at the same time, sorry." on Instagram.

이어 결과적으로 같은 공장에서 기존 출시된 특정 업체의 카피 제품이 아님을 다시 한번 강조하며, "개발 기간 동안 정말 많은 정성을 들이며 관능 테스트 및 샘플링 업무를 진행해왔으며 함량과 성분 또한 다름을 알려드립니다, 그 어떠한 사유로도 카피 제품이라 비방할 수 있는 근거가 없음을 증명합니다"라고 강조했다.

At the same time, my brand feeds my brand advertising space, but the children and friends watching is also a space to share daily life of our family.또한 저는 어떠한 비방의 글과 댓글도 작성한 적이 없음을 다시 한번 강조 드립니다"라며 "지금부터 발생되는 저와 브랜드 비방 및 특정인을 추측하는 말들은 캡처 및 법적 대응하겠습니다"라고 밝혔다.

Some Internet users earlier, Park Ji-yeon's comments on the sns he sells food not raise the possibility that is not directly, unlike describes it.

Meanwhile, comedian of the 12 years older than Park Ji-yeon Answer Yoo Jae-seok Named Comedian and marriage, blessed with two sons in 2008.

▶ Prices for free as my horoscope.

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