Shim Eun-jin ♥ jeonseungbin no on charges of assault by a previous marriage, a ….Honeymoon. France alkongdalkong

Shim Eun-jin Instagram

[are a Jang Wooyoung osen] Shim Eun-jin the husband jeonseungbin and happily enjoying the trip to Paris France.

Shim Eun-jin three days his Instagram, soundly definitely taking taking a picture and wily acting and a higher grade!Publishing photographs along with the words, ''.

Shim Eun-jin, traveling public the pictures in Paris, France, and husband jeonseungbin.Two men recently traveled to Paris, France is enjoying a honeymoon.

Shim Eun-jin enjoyed a journey and his or her arms tight to jeonseungbin.Especially, Orse Museum of Art selfies couple in the mirror of affection.

On the other hand, Shim Eun-jin and jeonseungbin was married in January last year.Ex are the latest jeonseungbin honginyeong to the public prosecutor's office on charges of assaulting." First of all to jeonseungbin honginyeong day insisted that he had been beaten up jeonseungbin was not at home.The police assaults and verbal abuse there was not evidence already submitted in an investigation.게다가 이혼조정 당시 이러한 사항이 있었으면 협의이혼도 성립되지 않았을 것이다"라며 "이 건은 검찰로 송치돼 수사 중이니 추측성 보도를 삼가주시기 바라며 전승빈 배우와 소속사는 검찰 수사에서 진실이 명확하게 밝혀질 것이라고 믿고 있다"고 밝혔다. /

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