[My press daily = gwangmyeongdong] the Hollywood star Kristen Stewart is a Dylan birthday gay lover Mayer (35) and sweet time.

Dylan, Mayer last nine days posted a picture of (local time) was about to kiss with Kristen Stewart in front of a birthday cake on Instagram.

They previously (local time) last month, 27, the 94th Annual Academy Awards red carpet in a hot kiss as collected by a lot of buzz.
스튜어트는 미국 매체 할리우드리포터가 지난달 7일 주최한 아카데미상 후보들의 모임(Hollywood Reporter’s Nominees Night Party)에 이어 13일 미국 로스앤젤레스(LA) 페어몬트 센추리 플라자 호텔에서 열린 제27회 크리틱스 초이스(미국 방송·영화 비평가협회 시상식, CCA)에도 딜런 메이어와 참석했다.
Who dated actress who co-starred with Robert Pattinson (36), Kristen Stewart in 'Twilight' movie series is 2016, Victoria's Secret model Stella Maxwell (32) and his bisexual, and admit to being in. Stewart is August 2019, Meyer of 35 years and a romantic relationship for the first time.Sirius in November last year announced their engagement in the ‘Howard Stern Show’ of the xm.
He was, " we got married.We are totally getting married. "" I want to get a proposal following, and she went through with it.Really gwiyeo.Very well..We're gon na get married, it will be, " he said.
In January, cbs " did not set a date for marriage in an interview with The Sunday morning.Engaged five years, however, don't want to do it.We're getting married and want to.It's really daunting early as soon as possible, " it said that he will get married.
Kristen Stewart, meanwhile, was nominated for Academy Award for Best Actress award for ‘Spencer’, but Prime Minister has failed.‘Spencer’ the queen and not be drawing the story of Princess Diana is determined to build a new identity.
[photo = afp bb news, Dylan Mayer inseuta].
). press (gwangmyeongdong