[종합]장항준 감독, "교보문고에 아빠 강연집, 엄마 대본집, 딸 소설 있다"…[Overall] Director Jang Hang-joon said, "I have a father's lecture book, a mother's script book, and a daughter's novel in Kyobo Bookstore."딸 윤서 '미모와 재능' 자랑Daughter Yoonseo. Brag about "Beauty and Talent".

사진 출처=MBCPhoto Source = MBC
사진 출처=MBCPhoto Source = MBC
사진 출처=MBCPhoto Source = MBC[스포츠조선 이정혁 기자]장항준 감독이 김은희와 '똑닮' 딸의 미모와 재능을 자랑했다.[Sports Chosun reporter Lee Jung-hyuk] Coach Jang Hang-joon boasted the beauty and talent of Kim Eun-hee and her "similar" daughter.

4월 1일 방송된 MBC '전지적 참견 시점'(이하 전참시)에는 장항준 감독이 출연했다.Director Jang Hang-joon appeared in MBC's Omniscient Interfering View (hereinafter referred to as Omniscient Interfering View), which aired on April 1.

이날 장항준은 아내 김은희만큼 글쓰기에 소질이 있는 딸 윤서에 대해 언급했다.On the same day, Jang Hang-joon mentioned his daughter Yoon-seo, who is as talented as his wife Kim Eun-hee.

"딸이 어릴 때부터 혼자 책 보는 걸 좋아했다."My daughter has loved to read books alone since she was a child. 누가 안 시켰는데 초등학교 때 소설을 쓰기 시작했다.I started writing novels when I was in elementary school. 'DNA 영향인가?' 하고 신기해했다"라고 밝힌 장 감독은 "언젠가 딸 윤서가 자신에게 "왜 나는 소설을 시작하면 끝을 못 내지?"라고 묻길래 "어른도 그렇다.Director Jang, who said, "Is it the influence of DNA?" said, "One day, my daughter Yoon-seo asked her, "Why can't I finish when I start a novel?" and she said, "So can I." 마감이라는 게 있는데 그건 돈을 받아야 생긴다.There is a deadline, but it takes money to get it. 공모전을 나가라"라고 현실적인 조언을 해줬다"고 덧붙였다."Go to the contest," he added, giving realistic advice. 그리고 "이후 윤서가 밤을 새워 '청소년 문학상'에 출품했다.And "After that, Yoon-seo stayed up all night and submitted it to the Youth Literature Award." 그리고 고등학생과 겨뤄 금상을 수상했다.Then he competed with a high school student and won the gold prize. 교보문고에 아빠는 강연집, 엄마는 대본집, 딸은 소설이 있다"라고 자랑했다.In Kyobo Bookstore, the father has a lecture book, the mother has a script book, and the daughter has a novel."

교육을 전담한 장항준은 학원 한번 안보냈다며 한때 흔들렸던 적도 있으나, 김은희 작가의 신념 덕에 고수를 하게 됐다고.Jang Hang-joon, who was in charge of education, was once shaken, saying he did not attend an academy once, but thanks to writer Kim Eun-hee's belief, he became a master.

장 감독은 "그런데 주부들과 있다 보니 귀가 팔랑팔랑 거리게 됐다"라며 "학원 안 보내면 안 된다는 다른 사람들의 말에 대차게 흔들렸지만 아내 김은희가 '오빠, 우리 자식인데 잘하겠어?Director Jang said, "But since I'm with housewives, my ears have become fluttering," adding, "I was greatly shaken by other people's words that I shouldn't send him to academy, but his wife Kim Eun-hee said, "Oppa, it's my child, so will you do well?" 우리 자식은 시켜도 안돼'라고 했다"는 말로 웃음을 터뜨렸다."My child can't do it," he said with a laugh.

이어 장 감독의 지혜로운 교육법이 또 공개됐는데, "대신 학원비만큼 지출되는 돈을 딸 통장에 입금했다.Director Jang's wise education method was then revealed again, saying, "Instead, I deposited the money spent on academy expenses into my daughter's bank account. 나중에 장사라도 하라고.Tell him to do business later. 딸이 지금 너무 좋아한다"라고 밝혔다.My daughter is very happy now."

이를 듣고 있던 홍현희는 "저도 그렇게 해야겠다.Hong Hyun-hee, who was listening to this, said, "I should do the same. 저랑 제이쓴 머리인데 공부하겠냐"라고 했으나, 전현무가 "제이쓴은 머리가 좀 되지 않아?""라고 했다.He asked me if I would study Jason's hair, but Jeon Hyun-moo said, "Isn't Jason a little smart?" 그러자 바로 입장 바꿔, "그래요? 그럼 하나 정도는 해야겠군요"라고 해 웃음을 자아냈다.Then he immediately changed his position and said, "Really? Then I should do at least one," drawing laughter.

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