“이진호, 6개월 만난 부자 여성과 결혼.."Lee Jin-ho married a rich woman he had dated for six months...축가는 민경훈”.."The wedding song is Min Kyung Hoon."만우절 장난에 제대로 속았다 (아형)I was completely taken in by April Fool's Day pranks.

[스포츠조선닷컴 박아람 기자] 코미디언 이진호가 적정하고 준비한 만우절 장난에 가수 민경훈이 완벽하게 속았다.Singer Min Kyung-hoon was completely deceived by comedian Lee Jin-ho's appropriate and prepared April Fool's Day prank.

지난 1일 방송된 JTBC '아는형님'에서는 이진호의 결혼 소식으로 민경훈을 속이는 모습이 그려졌다.JTBC's Knowing Brothers, which aired on the 1st, depicted deceiving Min Kyung-hoon with Lee Jin-ho's wedding news.

이날 강호동은 스튜디오에 들어오면서 "진호야 너 기사 진짜야?"라고 물었고 이진호는 "아 보셨네.On this day, Kang Ho-dong came into the studio and asked, "Jin-ho, is the driver real?" and Lee Jin-ho said, "Oh, you saw it. 네네네"라고 답해 모두를 궁금하게 했다."Yes, yes, yes," he answered, which made everyone curious.

강호동을 깜짝 놀라게 한 기사는 이진호와 비연예인 여성의 결혼 소식이었다.The article that surprised Kang Ho-dong was the news of the marriage of Lee Jin-ho and a non-celebrity woman.

김희철은 "기사가 났냐.Heechul Kim said, "Is there an article?" 그래서 기자 분들이 왔던 거냐.Is that why reporters came? 막내가 1번으로 간다"라고 결혼을 축하했다.The youngest will go first," he celebrated his marriage.

'이진호, 비연예인 여성과 깜짝 결혼발표..."Lee Jinho announces a surprise marriage with a non-celebrity woman..."민경훈 축가 Want! 부탁은 아직!'이라는 기사 제목에 민경훈은 "나는 결혼 사실도 몰랐다.Min Kyung-hoon said, "I didn't even know that I was married," under the title of the article, "Want! Please, not yet!" 지금 알았다"며 당황해 했지만 이내 "축가 해줄게"라고 답했다.I know now," he said in a panic, but soon replied, "I'll sing for you at the wedding."

이수근은 이진호의 예비신부를 직접 봤다고 얘기해 시선을 모았다.Lee Soo-geun drew attention by saying that he saw Lee Jin-ho's bride-to-be in person. 그는 "집 앞으로와서 밥을 먹었었다.He said, "I came to the front of the house and ate. 그땐 결혼 얘기까지는 안했었다"며 "제수씨네 엄청 부자다.We didn't even talk about marriage at the time," he said. "The Jesuits are very rich. 한남동에서 산다"고 덧붙였다.I live in Hannam-dong." 이진호는 "오래 안 만나고 6개월 정도 만났다"고 설명했다.Lee Jin-ho explained, "We didn't meet for a long time and met for about six months."

민경훈은 이진호의 결혼 기사를 읽기 시작했다.Min Kyung-hoon began reading articles about Lee Jin-ho's marriage. 이어 '결혼식은 4월 1일 토요일 만우절'이라는 내용을 보고 자신이 만우절 장난에 당했다는 것을 알게 됐다.He then learned that he had been pranked by April Fool's Day when he saw the content, "The wedding is Saturday, April 1st."

단합력으로 낚은 만우절 희생양 민경훈에 멤버들은 박수를 치며 웃었다.The members clapped and laughed at April Fool's Day victim Min Kyung-hoon, who was caught with unity. 민경훈은 "몰랐다며? 만났다며?"라며 기가 막혀했고 멤버들은 "방송반이 기사도 직접 만든 거다", "너 하나 놀리려고"라고 설명했다.Min Kyung-hoon said, "You said you didn't know? You said you met?" and the members explained, "The broadcasting team made the article themselves," and "I'm going to tease you only." 민경훈은 "강호동이 처음에 너무 심각하게 들어와서 사실인줄 알았다"고 했고 강호동은 "들어올 때 진지한 연기 리허설만 30번 했다"라고 밝혀 웃음을 안겼다.Min Kyung-hoon said, "I thought it was true because Kang Ho-dong came in so seriously at first," and Kang Ho-dong said, "I only had 30 serious acting rehearsals when I came in," drawing laughter.

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