[종합] 김수미 "남편은 임신 중 외도, 子는 여자랑 사고쳐 임신했다고" ('라스')[Overall] Kim Su-mi "My husband had an affair while pregnant, and my son had an accident with a woman and got pregnant." (LAS)

[텐아시아=태유나 기자][Ten Asia = Reporter Tae Yuna]
사진=MBC '라디오스타' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Radio Star broadcast screen.

배우 김수미가 남편의 외도를 고백한 가운데, 아들이 서효림과 결혼한다는 걸 알고 안도한 이유를 밝혔다.While actress Kim Soo-mi confessed her husband's affair, she revealed why she was relieved to learn that her son was marrying Seo Hyo-rim.

지난 29일 방송된 MBC 예능 '라디오스타'(이하 '라스') 810회에는 김수미, 윤정수, 이지영, 이용주가 출연한 '산전수전! 더 굴르리' 특집으로 꾸며졌다.The 810th episode of MBC's entertainment show "Radio Star" (hereinafter referred to as "Radio Star"), which aired on the 29th, was decorated with a special feature of "Mountain Battle! The Gurley," starring Kim Soo-mi, Yoon Jung-soo, Lee Ji-young and Lee Yong-joo.

이날 김수미는 며느리 서효림과 아들의 연애를 미리 눈치챘냐는 질문에 "전혀 몰랐다.When asked if she had noticed her daughter-in-law Seo Hyo-rim and her son's relationship in advance, Kim Soo-mi said, "I had no idea. 아이 가지고 알았다"며 "그때 효림이를 예뻐해 데리고 같은 프로그램을 했다.I knew with my child," he said. "At that time, I adored Hyorim and took her on the same program. 효림이한테 '피부가 왜 이렇게 까칠하니.I told Hyorim, "Why is your skin so rough?" 봄 타니'라고 하니까 굉장히 당황하더라.When I said "Spring Tani," I was very confused. 그게 우리 손녀 입덧이었다"고 밝혔다.That was my granddaughter's morning sickness." 이어 "촬영을 갔는데 우리 아들이 호텔방에서 '엄마 놀라지 마라."I went to the shoot, and my son said in the hotel room, 'Mom, don't be surprised. 저 사고 쳐서 여자가 아이 가졌다'고 하더라.He said, "That accident caused a woman to have a child." '나는 네가 좋아하는 여자면 어떤 여자든 며느리로 받겠다."I'll take any woman you like as your daughter-in-law." 누구든 데려오라'고 했다."Bring whoever you want," 순간 심장이 떨리기 시작했다.For a moment my heart began to tremble. '누구야?'라고 물으니 '효림이에요'라는 거다.When I asked, "Who is it?" she said, "It's Hyorim." 안도가 확 되면서 머리가 회전이 되는데 '어떡하지' 싶더라"고 말했다.As I felt relieved, my head turned, and I was like, "What should I do?"

김수미는 "효림이가 드라마에서 내 딸로 나왔다.Kim Soo-mi said, "Hyorim came out as my daughter in the drama. 나와 너무 잘 맞고 예뻐서 드라마 끝나고 같이 쇼핑도 다니고 (전) 남친 얘기도 했다.She and I got along so well together and went shopping together after the drama and talked about her ex-boyfriend. 그때 남친이랑 헤어져서 효림이가 울었다.At that time, Hyorim broke up with her boyfriend and cried. 내가 '실연당한 건 남자로밖에 해결이 안돼.I said, "The broken heart can only be solved by a man. 빨리 좋은 남자 만나'라고 했는데 그게 내 아들이었다"고 해 웃음을 자아냈다.I said, "See a good man soon," and that was my son," drawing laughter.

사진=MBC '라디오스타' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Radio Star broadcast screen.
김수미는 철없는 남편 때문에 울고 웃는 날이 많았다고.Kim Soo-mi said, "There were many days when I cried and laughed because of my immature husband." 그는 "결혼하자마자 바로 임신을 했다."I got pregnant as soon as I got married. 6월에 결혼해서 8월에 입덧을 하는데 내 친구가 전화 와서 '네 남편 수영장에서 여자들이랑 수영한다'고 했다"며 "때리려고 파리채를 준비했다.I got married in June and had morning sickness in August, and my friend called me and said, "I'm swimming with women in your husband's swimming pool," adding, "I prepared a fly swatter to hit him." '여자들하고 수영장 갔다며' 하고 등을 때리니 내일도 갈 거니 밑에 때리라고 하더라.I said, "I heard you went to the swimming pool with girls," and he said, "I'm going tomorrow, so hit me downstairs." 너무 어이 없으니까 웃었다"고 밝혔다.I laughed because I was so dumbfounded."

이어 "한 번은 또 (퇴근하면서) '금방 가'라고 했다."Once again (on my way home) I said 'go right away.' 된장찌개를 몇 번을 데웠는데 내 친구가 또 전화 왔다.I heated the miso soup several times, but my friend called me again. '네 남편 어떤 여자와 양식집에서 스테이크 먹고 있다'고"라며 "먹다 말고 왔더라."Your husband is eating steak with a woman at a Western restaurant," he said. "He stopped eating." 구두 벗는데 '이 사람아 양식집에서 고기를 잘라?'라고 하니까 '그래도 알리바이 댈 시간 3초는 줘라.When I took off my shoes, I asked, "Hey, do you cut meat at a fish farm?" and he said, "But give me three seconds to get an alibi." 이렇게 들이대면 나는 어떡하냐'고 했다"고 말했다.What am I supposed to do if you come at me like this?"

이혼하지 않고 남편을 용서한 이유에 대해 김수미는 "A4용지에 우리 남편 장점을 썼다.Regarding the reason for forgiving her husband without divorce, Kim Soo-mi said, "I wrote my husband's strengths on A4 paper. 내 위에 친정 오빠가 소아마비라 다리를 전다.My older brother carries a leg of polio on my stomach. '오빠 당분간 부끄러우니 우리 집에 오지 마세요'라고 했는데 우리 오빠가 남편과 딱 마주쳤다.I said, "Oppa, I'm embarrassed for the time being, so don't come to my house," but my brother ran into my husband. 다리 저는 오빠를 남편이 비싼 양복집에 데려가 바지 기장을 짧게 두 벌 맞춰주고 집에서 가장 비싼 양주하고 돈을 챙겨 주고 갔다"고 남편의 다정함을 언급했다.Legs I took my brother to an expensive suit house, and I made him two short pants, and I gave him the most expensive liquor and money in the house," he said.

이어 "딸 결혼식 끝나고 폐백을 하는데 '119 좀 불러."After my daughter's wedding, I'm going to have a lung cancer, so call 119." 나 죽을 것 같아'라고 했다.I feel like I'm going to die." 병원 가서 바로 심장수술을 했다.I went to the hospital and had a heart surgery right away. 남편이 딸 결혼식에 참석 못 할까봐 3일 전부터 아픈 걸 병원에 안 갔다고 했다.She said she had not been sick since three days ago because she was afraid that her husband would not be able to attend her daughter's 결혼 시키고 끝내려고 했는데 석방하고 지금까지 좋다"고 덧붙였다.I was going to get married and end it, but I released it and it's good so far."

김수미는 아들처럼 챙겼던 장동민을 "호적에서 팠다"고 밝히기도.Kim Soo-mi also revealed that Jang Dong-min, who was taken care of like a son, was "sold from the family register." 그는 "결혼식 전에 결혼한다고 인사도 안 했다.He said, "I didn't even say hello to her before the wedding. 아기 낳을 때도 소식을 기사로 들었다.I heard the news in an article when I was giving birth to a baby. 싸가지 없는 X"이라고 발끈했다.X," he said angrily. 김국진이 "그래도 아들은 돌아오지 않냐"고 했지만, 김수미는 "탕아는 안 돌아온다"고 단호하게 말했다.Kim Kook-jin said, "But won't your son come back?" but Kim Soo-mi firmly said, "Tang-ah won't come back."

태유나 텐아시아 기자 Ms. Taeyuna TenAsia,
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