[OSEN=김수형 기자] ‘돌싱포맨’에서 송일국이 판사 아내와 각집살이를 전했다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] Song Il-guk shared his life with the judge's wife in "Dolling For Man".
28일 방송된 SBS 예능 ‘돌싱포맨’이 전파를 탔다.SBS entertainment show Dolsing For Man, which aired on the 28th, went on the air.
이날 뮤지컬 ‘맘마미아’ 로 출연하는 송일국, 홍지민, 장현성이 출연, 장현성은 송일국에 대해 “개인적으로 대단하다 생각한게 뮤지컬 오디션 제안을 받은게 아니다”며 “오디션 일정을 직접 챙기고 서류를 챙겨서 봤다”고 했다.Song Il-guk, Hong Ji-min, and Jang Hyun-sung, who appear in the musical "MAMMA MIA," appeared on the same day, and Jang Hyun-sung said, "I personally thought it was great because I didn't get an audition offer," adding, "I collected the audition schedule and watched it myself."
모두 26년차 배우가 직접 발로 뛰어서 오디션을 봤다는 사실에 깜짝, “대배우인데”라고 말하자 송일국은 “떨어진 작품만 4~5개 된다 심지어 삼둥이와 같이 오디션 봤다가 다 떨어진 적도 있다, 떨어진 이유는 실력이 안 된 것”이라고 고백했다.When all 26th-year actors were surprised to have run on their own feet and auditioned, Song Il-guk confessed, "I'm a great actor," adding, "There are even four to five failed works. The reason I failed was because I didn't have skills."
또 이상민은 송일국의 판사 아내를 언급, “어디 법원이냐”며 관심을 가졌다.In addition, Lee Sang-min mentioned Song Il-guk's wife and was interested, saying, "Which court?" 이에 송일국은 아내가 순천 발령이라고 대답,그러면서 “원칙이 가족 다 같이 가는 거지만, 뮤지컬 작품으로 함께 못 갔다, 처음으로 떨어져 지낸다”고 말했다.In response, Song Il-guk replied that his wife was appointed to Suncheon, and said, "The principle is that the whole family goes together, but we couldn't go together for a musical work, so we're separated for the first time." 서울과 순천으로 각집살이를 한다는 것.They live in their own houses in Seoul and Suncheon.
떨어져지내며 어떤지 묻자 송일국은 자신도 모르게 웃음, 홍지민도 “웃으면 어떡하냐, 들켰다”며 폭소했다.When asked how it was as it fell off, Song Il-guk laughed unconsciously, and Hong Ji-min also laughed, saying, "What if you laugh? I got caught." 송일국은 “2주 밖에 안 되는데 애틋하다”고 수습, “아니다 여보, 너무 보고싶다”고 말했다.Song Il-guk said, "It's only been two weeks, but I feel affectionate," adding, "No, honey, I miss you so much." 이에 탁재훈은 “근데 왜 웃으셨나 기쁨의 웃음이었다Tak Jaehoon said, "Why did you laugh? It was a smile of joy". 송일국의 웃음이 계속 (잔상에) 남는다”며 폭소했다.Song Il-guk's smile remains in the afterimage," he burst into laughter.
한편, SBS 예능 ‘돌싱포맨’은 행복에 목마른 네 남자의 토크쇼로 매주 화요일 밤 11시 10분에 방송된다.Meanwhile, SBS entertainment show Dolsing For Man is a talk show of four men thirsty for happiness and airs every Tuesday night at 11:10 p.m. //
[사진]‘돌싱포맨’[Picture] "Dolling For Man".