'박성광 전 매니저' 임송, 5년 전 갑자기 떠난 이유 최초 공개…"Former manager Park Sungkwang" Lim Song reveals for the first time why he suddenly left 5 years ago."자괴감 너무 와."I'm so ashamed of myself. 스스로 이겨내지 못해"('전참시')You can't overcome it on your own." (Omniscient Interfering View)

사진 제공=MBCPhoto provided = MBC[스포츠조선 이정혁 기자]'전지적 참견 시점'에서 임송이 자괴감 때문에 개그맨 박성광 매니저를 갑작스럽게 그만뒀다고 그 이유를 밝혔다.[Sports Chosun reporter Lee Jung-hyuk] In "Omniscient Interfering View," Lim Song suddenly quit comedian Park Sung-kwang's manager because of his sense of shame.

4일 오후 방송된 MBC '전지적 참견 시점' 237회에선 박성광 '1일 매니저'로 출연한 임송의 모습이 그려졌다.In the 237th episode of MBC's "Omniscient Interfering View," which aired on the afternoon of the 4th, Lim Song, who appeared as Park Sung-kwang's "One-day Manager," was depicted.

임송의 '전참시' 촬영은 5년만이다.It is the first time in five years that Lim Song-yi has filmed "Omniscient Interfering View." 오랜만에 만난 이들은 처음 만남부터 이별의 순간까지 이야기를 나눴다.They met after a long time and talked from the first meeting to the moment of separation. 박성광은 "나는 첫날 엘리베이터에서 너랑 올라갈 때 김밥을 입에 넣어줘야 하나 말아야하나 할때가 생각난다"고 어색했던 순간을 떠올렸고, 임송은 "5년전 저희가 진짜 스케줄이 하나도 없었다.Park Sung-kwang recalled the awkward moment, saying, "I remember the time when I should put gimbap in my mouth or not when I went up with you in the elevator on the first day," and Lim Song said, "We didn't have any real schedule five years ago. 그게 정말 속상했다"며 "라디오 하나 정도 있고, 그것도 정말 빨리 끝났다.I was really upset," he said, "I have about one radio, and it ended really quickly. 그런데 '전참시' 하면서 광고도 찍고 고정 프로그램도 많아지고 일주일에 7일을 만나니까 너무 좋았다"고 눈물을 뚝뚝 흘리며 말했다.However, while doing "Omniscient Interfering View," it was so good to shoot advertisements, increase fixed programs, and meet seven days a week," he said with tears dripping.

이에 박성광은 "너 마지막 그만둘 때 하루 전날 퇴사 이야기 했다"고 서운해했다.In response, Park Sung-kwang was disappointed, saying, "When you quit your last job, I talked about quitting the company the day before." 또 "사실 난 너 퇴사 계획을 알고 있었다."In fact, I knew you were going to quit. 서운하기 보다는 이유가 있을거라고 생각하고 기다렸다.Rather than being disappointed, I waited thinking there would be a reason. 당장 내일 그만두는 건데 네가 아무렇지 않게 밝게 일하네 했다."I'm quitting tomorrow right now, but I thought you were working brightly as if nothing had happened. 막상 네 입으로 퇴사를 들으니까 속상하더라"라고 말했다.When I heard you quit your job, I was disappointed."

임송은 그만둔 이유에 대해 "자괴감이 너무 왔다.As for the reason for her resignation, Lim Song said, "I felt so ashamed. 몸도 아프고 스스로를 이겨내지 못해서...My body hurts and I can't overcome myself... 제가 '내년에는 고정 7개 가요' 그런 말을 하고 그만두니까 죄송했다"라고 밝혔다.I said, "I'm sorry that I quit after saying, 'I'm going to 7 fixed places next year.'" "'전참시'만 오면 눈물이 난다."Whenever I come to Omniscient Interfering View, I cry. 제가 일을 그만두고 많이 힘들었다"고 토로한 임송은 "제가 너무 힘이 들면 오빠가 우수상 수상하신 영상을 많이 봤다.Im Song-eun, who said, "I quit my job and had a hard time," said, "I watched a lot of videos of my brother winning the Excellence Award when I was too tired. 함께 나아가던 그 때를 생각하면 힘이 난다"고 했다.It cheers me up to think about the time we went together."

이에 박성광은 "참 나는 좋은 사람과 일을 했구나.In response, Park Sung-kwang said, "What a nice person I worked with. 지나보니 참 좋은 시절을 함께 했구나.Now that we've gone by, we've had such a good time together. 그때는 행복하고 즐거웠던 것도 몰랐는데 더 챙겨주지 못해 미안한 마음이다"라며 "송이와 함꼐했던 모든 것이 좋았다.I didn't know I was happy and happy at the time, but I'm sorry that I couldn't take care of you more," he said adding, "Everything I did with Song-i was good. 날 빛나게 해줘서 고맙고.Thank you for making me shine. 네가 힘들 때 내가 쉴수 있는 그늘이 되어줄게.I'll be your shade to rest when you're having a hard time. 언제든 연락해라"라고 격려했다.Please feel free to contact me."

사진 제공=MBCPhoto provided = MBC

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