장영란, 셋째 유산 후 ♥한창과 싸움 多 "3일 이상 대화 안 해" (신랑수업)[전일야화]Jang Young-ran, after the third miscarriage ♥ Fighting with Han Chang "No conversation for more than three days" (Groom class) [All-day night talk]

(엑스포츠뉴스 이나영 인턴기자) '신랑수업' 장영란이 남편과 진솔한 이야기를 나누었다.(Exports News Intern Lee Na-young) "Groom Class" Jang Young-ran had a sincere conversation with her husband.  

지난 1일 방송된 채널A '요즘 남자 라이프 신랑수업'(이하 '신랑수업')에서는 남편 한창과 서로 솔직한 이야기를 털어놓는 장영란의 모습이 전파를 탔다.In Channel A's "Men's Life Groom Class" (hereinafter referred to as "Groom Class"), which aired on the 1st, Jang Young-ran's honest story with her husband was broadcasted.

2009년에 결혼해 올해로 15년차 부부가 된 두 사람은 여전히 신혼같은 금슬을 자랑했다.The couple, who married in 2009 and became a couple for 15 years this year, still boasted their marital status.

한창의 얼굴을 본 박태환은 "천정명 씨 얼굴도 있는 것 같다"고 칭찬했고, 이규한은 "박혁권 배우 얼굴도 있다"며 덧붙였고, 문세윤 역시 "배우상"이라고 동의했다.Park Tae-hwan, who saw his face in full swing, praised him, saying, "There seems to be Chun Jung-myeong's face," while Lee Kyu-han added, "There is also the face of actor Park Hyuk-kwon," and Moon Se-yoon also agreed, "Actor Award." 신랑에 대한 칭찬이 쏟아지자 장영란은 함박웃음을 숨기지 못했다.Jang Young-ran couldn't hide her big smile when compliments poured out to the groom. 하지만 좋아보이는 사이와 달리 최근 두 사람은 부딪히는 일이 많았다고 전해 눈길을 끌었다.However, unlike their good relationship, the two have recently drawn attention by saying that they have often bumped into each other.

두 사람은 연애 시절 자주 갔던 술집에 도착했다.The two arrived at a bar they often went to when they were in love.  

음식을 먹으며 다음 생에도 자신과 결혼할거냐는 질문에 전광석화같이 "당연하지"라고 답한 한창.When asked if he would marry him in the next life while eating, he replied, "Of course," like a flash of lightning. 반면 장영란은 쉽게 대답하지 못했다.On the other hand, Jang did not answer easily. 잠시 머뭇거리던 장영란은 "옛날에 비해서는 공감을 약간 좀..Jang Young-ran, who hesitated for a while, said, "Compared to the past, I can't relate a little... 예전에는 공감을 해줬는데 이쁜이만 힘들어?You sympathized with me before, but is it only hard for pretty people? 나도 힘들어 하잖아"라며 최근 들어 3일 이상 대화를 하지 않는 등 부쩍 싸움이 잦아진 것을 되짚어봤다."I'm having a hard time, too," he said, reflecting on the frequent fights recently, such as not having conversations for more than three days.

이어 장영란은 지난해 유산의 아픔을 겪으며 쌓인 게 있었음을 전했다.Jang Young-ran then reported that he had accumulated something from the pain of miscarriage last year. 입덧으로 고생하면서도 찾아온 세 번째 아이에 하염없이 행복했던 두 사람.The third child who came to the hospital despite suffering from morning sickness, and the two were extremely happy. 하지만 결국 아이가 떠나고, 시간이 흘렀음에도 상처는 여전했다.However, in the end, the wound remained even after the child left and time passed.

장영란은 결국 울음을 터뜨렸다.Jang finally burst into tears. 장영란은 "너무 행복했어."I was so happy. 맨날 관련 유튜브만 보고, 너무 설렜어.I always watched YouTube related to it, and I was so excited. 어떻게든 아이를 살리고 싶었거든.I wanted to save my child somehow. 그때 내가 일주일동안 살려보겠다고 계속 주사 맞고 그랬는데, 오빠가 애들을 보다 보니까 애들한테 짜증을 내도 나한테 내는 것 같고, 누워 있는 게 죄스러웠다"며 "털고 일어나야지, 라는 말도 상처였다"며 뒤늦게 진심을 털어놨다.At that time, I kept getting shots to save my life for a week, but as my brother looked at the children, it seemed like he was annoyed with me, and I was guilty of lying down. "I should shake it off and wake up," he belatedly confessed his sincerity.

서로에게 상처가 될까봐 지금껏 털어놓지 못한 진심을 뒤늦게 털어놓는 장영란에 한창은 "미안해요"라며 안고 사과했다.Jang Young-ran, who belatedly reveals her sincerity that she has not been able to confess to each other for fear of hurting each other, hugged her and apologized, saying, saying, "I'm sorry."

한창 역시 속내를 털어놨다.In the midst of this, he confessed his innermost thoughts. 한창은 "그때부터 출산하다 산모 사망, 그런 게 떠오르는 거야."Since then, I've been thinking about the death of a mother while giving birth. 여러가지 생각들이 좀..I have a lot of thoughts..."이라며 "미안해."I'm sorry," he said. 내가 다 잘못한 거야"라고 미안함을 고백했다.I've done everything wrong," he confessed.

뒤늦게 감정을 털어낸 두 사람은 다시 활짝 웃으며 한창이 쓴 손편지를 읽었다.The two, who belatedly shook off their feelings, smiled again and read the handwritten letter written by Han Chang-yi. 편지 속 한창은 "어떻게 보면 우리에게 왔다"In a way, he came to us," said the letter. 가버린 셋째 이후로 불필요한 언쟁이 쌓인 것 같다.It seems that unnecessary arguments have piled up since the third day that has gone away. 너무 현실적인 것만 봤던 나의 대처 때문이 아니었을까 생각해봤다"라며 "어떤 것보다 그대만을 생각할게요"라며 변함없는 애정을 고백했다.I thought it might be because of my coping, which was too realistic," he said, confessing his unchanging affection, saying, "I'll think about you more than anything else."

사진 = 채널A 방송화면 Photo = Channel A broadcast screen
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