조진웅, 살뺀 전후 사진 공개 “120→80㎏ 감량, 술 끊고 대인관계 끊어”(유퀴즈)Cho Jin-woong reveals photos before and after losing weight (120→80kg, quit drinking and stop interpersonal relationships) (Yu Quiz)

[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 조진웅의 살빼기 전후 사진이 공개됐다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] A photo of Cho Jin-woong before and after losing weight was released.

3월 1일 방송된 tvN 예능 '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭'(이하 '유퀴즈') 183회 '위대한 유산' 특집에는 배우 조진웅이 출연했다.Actor Cho Jin-woong appeared in the 183rd "Great Heritage" special episode of tvN's entertainment show "You Quiz on the Block" (hereinafter referred to as "You Quiz"), which aired on March 1.

이날 조진웅은 드라마 '솔약국집 아들들' 당시 일부러 증량을 한 거냐는 질문에 "일부러? 그냥 자연스러운 모습이었다.When asked if Cho Jin-woong intentionally increased the weight during the drama "Son of Sol Pharmacy," he said, "On purpose? It was just a natural appearance. 일부러 많이 먹었던 적은 있는데 그렇지 않아도 항상 이렇게 돼 있었다"고 말했다.I've eaten a lot on purpose, but even if I didn't, it was always like this."

그는 이어 '뿌리 깊은 나무'에서는 감량을 하고 한석규 호위무사 역을 맡았다.He then lost weight in "Deep Rooted Tree" and played the role of Han Seok-kyu, a bodyguard. 조진웅은 호위무사 역이다 보니 감량이 필요했을 것 같다는 말에 "운동을 많이 했다.Cho Jin-woong said, "I worked out a lot," when he was told that he would have needed to lose weight because he played the role of an escort. 120㎏에서 80㎏ 그 정도로 뺐다"고 밝혔다.I lost about 80 kilograms from 120 kilograms."

감량 비법을 묻자 "안 먹고 운동했다.When asked how to lose weight, he said, "I didn't eat and worked out. 술 끊고 원만한 대인 관계를 끊고 독하게 했다.I stopped drinking, cut off smooth interpersonal relationships, and strengthened them. 영화 '대외비' 하는데 김무열 씨는 증량을 했다.Kim Moo-yeol increased his weight in the movie "Foreign Expense." 조직폭력배 역할이라.I play the role of a gangster. 증량하는 게 힘들다고 하더라"면서 주변에 "힘드냐"고 물었다.He said it was difficult to increase the weight, and asked people around him, "Is it hard?"

이어 "무열씨의 경우 15㎏ 증량을 했다"며 주변의 증량도 어렵다는 반응에 "저는 한 2주 본다"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.He then said, "In the case of Muyeol, I increased 15kg," drawing laughter by saying, "I watch it for about two weeks," in response to the difficulty of increasing the weight around him. (사진=tvN '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭' 캡처)(Photo =tvN "You Quiz on the Block" capture)
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